Rae Lakes Loop | The Ultimate Guide to Backpacking Rae Lakes

Upper Rae Lakes at Sunrise on the Rae Lakes Loop

Rae Lakes loop is one of the most coveted backcountry permits in Sequoia & Kings Canyon National parks for a reason. For 41 miles (66 KM) you’ll be treated to an endless supply of Sierra Nevada superlatives. You’ll hike alongside the roaring South Fork Kings River, experience the cascading torrent of Mist Falls, marvel at the sublime sunrise reflection of the Painted Lady in Rae Lakes, and experience elation summiting 11,978′ (3651m) Glen Pass. 

Rae Lakes Loop can be completed in multiple directions and on a variety of schedules. In this guide, I’ll break down everything you need to know to backpack the Rae Lakes Loop. 

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Need to know for hiking the Rae Lakes Loop

Days Required: 2-5
Difficulty: Moderate
Distance: 41 miles (66 KM)
Elevation Gain: 7200 ft (2195 M)
Elevation Loss: 7200 ft  (2195 M)
Permit Required: Yes, competitive.
Navigation: Easy, trails are well marked.
Water Sources: Plentiful, trail follows reliable creeks and rivers for the duration.
Food Storage: Bear canister required.
Best Campsite walked past or stayed at: Middle Rae Lakes or Upper Rae Lakes.

Things you’ll love about backpacking Rae Lakes

    • Sublime Sierra Nevada scenery.
    • Well marked and easy to navigate trail
    • Loop hike makes transportation a breeze.
    • Multiple entry trailheads possible.
    • Multiple side trips possible for various itineraries.
    • Opportunity to meet other backpackers and thru hikers.
    • Plentiful water sources.

Things you won’t love about backpacking Rae Lakes

    • Bugs can be viscous.
    • Solitude can be hard to find  as both the John Muir Trail and Pacific Crest Trail run through the most scenic sections.
    • There are bear boxes, yet you need to bring a bulky bear canister regardless.
    • Glen Pass can be snow covered until July depending on the snow-pack.
    • High elevations may require acclimatization for some. 
Bubbs Creek on the Rae Lakes Loop

What to pack for backpacking Rae Lakes

Here’s a quick summary of what to pack for backpacking Rae Lakes. You’ll find a detailed breakdown of each item at the end of the post with rational, alternatives and quick links to check prices at competing retailers.

Clothing and Accessories 

Additional Items

Luxury Items (optional)

How many days does it take to hike the Rae Lakes Loop?

The Rae Lakes Loop typically takes 2 to 5 days to backpack in its entirety. That said, there are many possible side trails  for hikers looking to spend more time in the area including Sixty Lakes Basin, Gardiner Basin, and Kearsarge Lakes.

If you’re looking for a shorter, weekend trip the hike to Big Pine Lakes is another excellent option.

How do you get a permit for the Rae Lakes Loop?

During the quota season (May 24, 2024 – September 28, 2024) there are two ways to secure a permit to backpack the Rae Lakes Loop: through a reservation or walk-up permit. Outside of these dates all permits are self-issued at the nearest visitor center. 

The classic Rae Lakes loop starts at Road’s End in King’s Canyon National park and follows either Bubbs Creek (counterclockwise trips) or Woods Creek (clockwise trips).

How to make a reservation

Permits for Rae Lakes Loop can be booked starting 6 months before and up to one week before your intended start date via recreation.gov. Up to 20 people are allowed to enter via reservation daily on both Bubbs Creek Trail or Woods Creek Trail (40 total). Once you’ve secured your reservation, you’ll still have to pick up your permit from Road’s End Ranger Station starting at 1 pm the day before your hike or as late as 10:00am the day of your hike. If you’re arriving later, contact the wilderness office to let them know to hold your permit or it will be given away. 

How to get a walk-up permit

5 people are allowed to enter with walk-up permits daily on either Bubbs or Woods (10 total). These permits can be obtained starting at 1pm the day prior to your hike. If you’re going this route, arrive well before 1pm to snag a spot near the front of the walk-up line. Make sure you have an idea of your itinerary  beforehand.

Do you need a park entrance pass if you have a backcountry permit for Sequoia and Kings Canyon?

Yes, you need to purchase an entrance pass to Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park at the gate or in advance. It’s best to purchase your entrance pass in advance to save time and avoid the line.

Buy an America the Beautiful Annual Pass in advance if you plan on visiting multiple parks or visiting multiple times within a year. Sequoia and Kings Canyon charge $35 per vehicle for a 7 day pass, so it doesn’t take many visits to National Parks or any public lands to pay back the $80 dollar cost. 

If this is the only time you’ll be visiting a National Park this year, you can also pre-purchase your 7 day entrance fee at recreation.gov.

Which direction should you hike Rae Lakes?

Rae Lakes Loop can be hiked either clockwise via Woods Creek Trail or counterclockwise on Bubbs Creek Trail. Prior to booking your permit you’ll need to decide on a direction to hike this trip. Here’s more information to help you make your decision:

Clockwise, from the Woods Creek Trail

Starting your hike from Woods Creek Trail results in a more gradual elevation change. This route spreads the 6943 ft (2100 M) climb to Glen Pass out over almost 25 miles, following a steady upward trajectory with a limited number of drastic switchbacks prior to the big push up to Glen Pass

Counterclockwise, starting from Bubbs Creek Trail

Heading counterclockwise from Bubbs Creek is more strenuous, gaining the 6943’ of elevation to Glen Pass over 17 miles. If choosing this direction it doesn’t take long for the thigh burn to begin with a series of switchbacks greeting you within the first several miles and before the first campsite option at Sphinx Junction.

Verdict on direction

In my opinion, the competitive nature of the permit process doesn’t afford the luxury of being choosy. Either way the hike is fantastic.

If I had to choose, I’d start from Woods Creek Trail (clockwise) for the following reasons:

    • Your pack is heaviest with food weight at the start of your trip, so more gradual elevation is a perk.
    • Afternoon thunderstorms can be common in the summer. A clockwise trip makes it easy to spend a night at Rae Lakes and summit Glen Pass early in the morning before this becomes a factor.
    • Rae Lakes close proximity to Glen Pass makes it easier to go clockwise for those looking to include a night at Rae Lakes in their itinerary. 

Additional trailhead options for hiking the Rae Lakes loop:

Aside from Bubbs Creek and Woods Creek there are several additional access points for starting the Rae Lakes Loop on the eastern side of the Sierras.  Starting from these trailheads will add additional mileage, but may afford you the opportunity to get a permit that might not otherwise be available.

View down to Onion Valley from Kearsarge Pass

Kearsarge Pass via Onion Valley

The most common alternative trailhead for doing the Rae Lakes Loop, this trail starts from Onion Valley on the eastern side of the Sierras and climbs up and over Kearsarge pass. At 6.5 miles (one-way), it’s a great option and a common resupply trip for thru hikers on the Pacific Crest Trail and the John Muir Trail. This trail offers stunning views of the Kearsarge lakes area on the descent from Kearsarge Pass. Permits for the Rae Lakes Loop starting from Kearsarge Pass must be booked through the Inyo National Forest – Wilderness Permits.   

Baxter Pass via Baxter Pass Trailhead

This strenuous 13 mile (one-way) route takes you over Baxter Pass before dropping you down by Dollar lake to the North of Rae Lakes. I have no personal experience hiking over Baxter, but my map marks it as a route (vs. a trail) and the official National Forest description calls it steep and rugged. Buyer beware! Drop me a line in the comments if you’ve done it, would love to hear about it. Starts from the Baxter Pass trailhead and is booked via the Inyo National Forest – Wilderness Permits on Recreation.gov.

Can you have campfires on the Rae Lakes Loop?

Yes, campfires are allowed on sections of the Rae Lakes Loop below 10,000 ft and assuming current fire regulations allow it. The elevation restriction means that fires are never permitted in the section of the trail that starts in the vicinity of Dollar Lake (including Rae Lakes) and ends near lower Vidette Meadow (if traveling clockwise). If you’re making a fire in the allowable areas make sure to follow minimum impact principles, use only existing fire rings, and ensure it’s doused repeatedly, cold to touch, and dead out before hitting the sack. Check with a ranger for all up to date restrictions before heading out.

Snow Going Up to Glen Pass on the Rae Lakes Trail

Is the hike to Rae Lakes challenging?

Like any hike the difficulty of hiking the Rae Lakes Loop is very subjective. Your conditioning, experience, and backpack weight are all major factors. Overall, I’d rate this hike as moderate. It’s well signed and offers multiple campsites to break the mileage up over multiple days. That said, there is significant elevation gain up to the highpoint at Glen Pass and its’ difficulty is compounded by the high elevation that comes with hiking in the Sierra Nevada. Furthermore, the potential for snow travel and river crossings in early season increases the difficulty level.

When to backpack the Rae Lakes Loop

The Rae Lakes Loops can be hiked from early-June through to October. The sun in the altitude of the High Sierra is intense during the peak summer months and thunderstorms may pose a risk. Early season travel faces the challenge of snow on Glen Pass and potential for dangerous river crossings. In fall, temperature begin to drop and the potential for snow rises. If going early or late season, contact the wilderness office for questions on conditions. At all times of the year the trail will be heavily trafficked. Aside from Rae lakes being a popular backpacking destination in its own right, trail joins the John Muir Trail and Pacific Crest Trail for about 14 miles from Lower Vidette Meadow to Woods creek bridge.

How to get to the Rae Lakes Loop?

The traditional Rae Lakes Loop starts from Road’s End in Kings Canyon National Park. It can also be started from multiple other trailheads on the eastern side of the Sierras. It’s a loop hike and thus no shuttle is required.  Rent a car or drive your own, park at the trailhead and go nothing beats easy logistics! Am I right?

Hiking Past Upper Paradise on the Woods Creek Trail

Where to stay before hiking the Rae Lakes Loop

Arriving the day before to pickup your permit or looking to explore before your hike? Staying near to Road’s End in the Cedar Grove area is extremely convenient and there are several accommodation options that can facilitate this. Make sure to book these early as they fill up quickly during the busy summer months. 

Camping Options

Several campsites are conveniently situated in the Cedar Grove area making car camping the night before (or after) a snap . Book any of these sites through recreation.gov

Sentinel Campground – I stayed here the night before my hike. It’s a decent site, but many of the sites feel close together.

Similar and next to Sentinel in Cedar Grove are Sheep Creek and Moraine Campground which seem very similar to Sentinel just slightly larger.

If these options are full, consider Azalea CampgroundCrystal Springs Campground, or Sunset Campground in Grant Grove about an hours drive from Roads End.

Lodging Options

If you feel like getting off your thermarest and out of the tent for a night here are few great options:

Cedar Grove Lodge – Only 5.9 miles from Road’s End in Kings Canyon this is the most convenient option for spending the night before your hike. 

For other options inside Kings Canyon National Park check out John Muir Lodge or Grant Grove Cabins about an hour away from Road’s End in Grant Grove Village. 

Trail sections

I’ve described the sections of the Rae Lakes Loop based on my own experience hiking clockwise. If you’re planning a trip the opposite way you’ll have to get creative and try to think backwards.  All distances and elevations are rounded and approximate. 

Roads End to Mist Falls

4 Miles (6.5 KM)

850ft (250M) Elevation Gain

After departing from the Road’s End Ranger Station the trail follows a wide path through an open forest with excellent views to cliffs and peaks surrounding the canyon. Sun exposure in this section is high and shade is limited. After a couple miles, you’ll hit the junction for Bubb’s Creek trail where counterclockwise hikers take a right crossing the bridge over the South Fork Kings River.  Clockwise hikers continue along the Paradise Valley trail which follows along the rivers west bank, The trail becomes quite lush with the moisture, nutrients, and spray from the river transforming the forest and providing some shade. The contrast is stark, where minutes ago there was a sandy wash, ferns and significant understory abounds. For 2 miles after the Junction with Bubbs the trail steadily climbs adding about 650ft (200 M) elevation before reaching the aptly named Mist Falls where an incredible torrent of water shrouds the entire trail in vapor and mist.   This is a spectacular and refreshing location for lunch or a snack, just be mindful of the slippery rocks.

Paradise Valley on the Rae Lakes Loop

Mist Falls to Upper Paradise

5 Miles (8 KM)

1650ft (450M) Elevation Gain & 350 ft (100M) Loss

Leaving Mist Falls the trail continues its steady ascent navigating a short series of switchbacks half a mile after the falls. Views back down the river valley are spectacular and amplified in the morning as the sun’s rays highlight the canyon walls. The trail follows the river up the drainage as it flows through a series of deep and dramatic pools before widening and shallowing out near Lower Paradise Valley. Lower Paradise Valley is typically the first spot where camping is permitted, but for 2022 it was temporarily closed due to the presence of numerous dangerous trees. If you’re looking to camp in this area for the night continue on to Middle or Upper Paradise . This section of the trail provides numerous forested sections that serve as a lovely reprieve from the scorching Sierra sun. I was fortunate enough to see a bear about 150 ft in front of me on this section. Naturally, he took off the minute he heard me singing…

Hiking Past Upper Paradise on the Woods Creek Trail

Upper Paradise to Woods Creek

5.5 Miles (9 KM)

1650ft (500M) Elevation GaIn

After departing Upper Paradise you’ll encounter the largest river crossing of this trip. There was once a bridge that crossed the South Fork Kings River here, but it was washed away in 2016. As of June 2022, there was no new bridge and a stream crossing is required here. The conditions are season dependent and day dependent.  I encountered no issues with this crossing in early June , but every year/day can be different. Ask the ranger for any guidance when you pick up your permit as from time-to-time log jams form in the vicinity that can make the crossing easier. Look for the old bridge foundation to give you a bearing of where to head and avoid walking to far. Additionally, once you’ve made the crossing, find the remnants of the old bridge’s concrete foundation again to re-discover the trail. There are a couple trails that lead north (or to the left of the old fountain), do not take these, stay on the trail that heads straight then to the right and you’ll quickly rediscover the main trail. You’re now on the Woods Creek trail!  Over the next 6 miles you’ll gain over 1600 ft of elevation (500M) in a steady fashion. Who said going up was hard!  Following your crossing, you’ll initially hike out of sight of Woods Creek before the creek becomes visible a couple miles down the trail.  Upon reaching Castle Domes Meadows area the views really begin to open up and you’re given a sampling of what’s to come.  After staying right at the junction and joining up with JMT/PCT you’ll come to the suspension bridge and cross over Woods creek.

Lower Rae Lake

Woods Creek to Middle Rae Lake

6 Miles (10 KM)

2000ft (650M) Elevation GaIn

After crossing the suspension bridge over Woods Creek the trail climbs 1600 ft ( 500 M) to reach Dollar Lake and the junction with Baxter Lakes Trail. This climb is steady over the duration and crosses over various tributaries that flow into the South Fork Woods Creek. None of these crossings are technical and are likely seasonal flows, unfortunately in early June several were not crossable without conceding wet feet. After reaching Dollar Lake the trail remains relatively flat and you’ll cross another small flow that connects Arrowhead Lake with Dollar lake and re-soaks your feet just as they were starting to dry. Arrowhead lake offers a decent size camping zone with food storage boxes, should your legs be too weary to go any further or are looking to avoid the crowd at Rae. Arrowhead is also a great second night option for those looking to stay near Rae Lakes for longer than 1 night. At this point the trail makes one more climb  to reach the majestic Rae Lakes. There are several spots to camp near lower Rae lakes, but many backpackers continue past the ranger station to Middle Rae Lake. Camping here provides an optimal view over Middle Rae Lake to the Painted Lady and peaks behind.  Sunset and sunrise here is guaranteed to delight!

Alpenglow at Rae Lakes

Middle Rae Lakes to Glen Pass

2.5 Miles (4 KM)

1500ft (450M) Elevation Gain

If you’ve stayed at Middle Rae, you’ll start your day with incredible views as you follow the shoreline along the northern side of Upper Rae Lake. After walking for about ½ mile (1 KM) you’ll encounter another small water crossing where Upper Rae drains into Lower Rae. There were no rocks to cross during my trip. If you have an alternate pair of shoes/sandals you’ve been using for river crossings, I’d consider wearing them from camp to this point given. It’s a short distance and you’ll save the hassle of making the change. If not, embrace the morning footbath! Shortly after negotiating this crossing you’ll encounter the junction for the Sixty Lakes Basin to the right, a great place to explore for those spending additional time in the area. If not, continue to the left, it’s time to tackle Glen Pass! From Upper Rae Lakes the trail gains 1500ft  (450 M) over 1.8 Miles (3 KM) to the trail’s highest point at Glen Pass. This ascent is negotiated over a series of switchbacks that climb over loose rock and snow, in the early-season. If you’re hiking early in the year, this is where you’ll want your microspikes so have them ready. An early morning start is also helpful, as the snow is firm and far less strenuous to navigate without postholing at every step. Regardless of the season, It’s tough work making the climb, but the awe-inspiring views of alpine lakes and jagged peaks are balm to your burning quads. Following a final step set of switchbacks the trail cuts across sharply skirting the ridge to the right before reaching the summit of the pass. Be especially careful here if traveling on snow or ice as the slope to the right is steep and a fall would have consequences. After navigating this final section, take it all in. A breathtaking view greets you in all directions!

View from Glen Pass

Glenn Pass to Charlotte Lake Junction

2 Miles (3.5 KM)

1300 ft (400M) Elevation Loss

After enjoying your time atop Glen Pass, it is time to begin your descent. The path coming down navigates a series of switchbacks, but without the same level of loose rock as your ascent. Additionally, this slope south facing exposure makes it unlikely that you’ll encounter any more snow travel. You’ll descend towards a small alpine lake for around ½ mile rapidly losing 350 ft (100 M) of elevation along the way. After this first lake the trail follows along a small creek that drains into a lower lake about 1 Mile (0.6 KM) down. There are several camp spots nearby these small lakes that may be useful for hikers traveling counterclockwise and looking to get an early start going up Glen Pass. After passing the second lake, you’ll slowly leave behind the alpine environment and continue for another 1.2 miles (2.0 Km) losing  525ft (160 M) of elevation before reaching the trail for Kearsarge Pass. Kearsarge pass makes for an excellent alternative entry point or add on loop (9 KM round trip to the pass) that takes in scenic views from the pass, Kearsarge Lakes and Bullfrog Lakes. Staying on the main trail you’ll continue for ¼ mile (0.35KM) before coming to another junction with Charlotte Lake trail. Charlotte lake lies ⅔ Mile (1 KM) to the right with this trail also serving as the access point for exploring the Gardiner Basin area.

Charlotte Lake Junction to Junction Meadow

4 Miles (6.5 KM)

2600ft (800 M) Elevation Loss

Following the junction with Charlotte Lake, you’ll encounter a series of switchbacks before continuing a steady descent alongside a creek and down the valley. From Charlotte junction you’ll lose 360M of elevation in 2.7km walking through forested areas with consistent openings to the mountains above and valley below before reaching Vidette Meadow junction . Upon reaching Vidette Meadow junction you’ll stay right following the Bubbs creek trail and bidding adieu to PCT and JMT trails as they exit to the left. From here the trail parallels Bubbs creek as it descends providing innumerable magnificent views of the crashing torrent as it descends down into the valley below.  About 4km after lower Lower Vidette meadow you’ll arrive at Junction meadow. For those looking to cover move ground, an excellent camping spot with bear boxes lies an extra 0.6 miles down the trail adjacent to Bubbs Creek.

Bubbs Creek on Rae Lakes Trail

Junction Meadow to Sphinx Creek

6 Miles (10 KM)

2000ft (600 M) Elevation Loss

Leaving Junction meadow you’ll continue to parallel Bubbs Creek and walk through a mix of forest and meadow. Catch views of the surrounding cliffs that encircle the valley walls and marvel at the perfectly eroded drainages where spring runoff funnels down into Bubbs creek. After 3 miles (4.8 KM) and a 300M loss in elevation you’ll reach Charlotte Creek which offers a collection of campsites to the left of the trail and near Bubbs Creek. As you continue past this area and down to Sphinx Creek look for the looming silhouette of Charlotte Dome (10,630 ft 3240 m) to the right. A further 3.3 Miles (5KM) down the trail you’ll come to a junction at Sphinx Creek. The Campsite here is the last (first)  place to camp if completing this hike Clockwise (counterclockwise). 

Sphinx Creek to Road's End

4 Miles (6.5 KM)

1300 ft (400 M) Elevation Loss

From Sphinx you’ll walk for about ⅔ of a mile (1KM) before encountering your final set of switchbacks. As you descend, look for views of the Sphinx 2786M to the southwest. Once you’ve reached the bottom of the switchbacks you’ll make your way across Bubbs Creek (unbridged) before crossing the bridge over South Fork Kings River and retracing your steps back to Road’s end and your car. 

Mountain Hardwear Strato UL2 Tent in Sequoia National Park at Rae Lakes

Campsites on the Rae Lakes Loop

Unlike popular treks like the Grand Canyon’s rim to rim, there are no truly established campsites on the Rae Lakes Trail. Specifically, you will not have luxuries like tent pads or outhouses, but you have the luxury of getting to camp (mostly) where you please! There are multiple locations that are frequently utilized by backpackers and often feature well used/obvious tent sites, food storage boxes, and established fire rings. Bear canisters are mandatory for hiking the Rae Lakes Loop and priority in the food storage boxes is given to thru hikers on the PCT and JMT. However, if there is room many hikers pop their bear canisters inside to make it easily discoverable and eliminate the risk that a bear will accidentally roll your cache into a nearby lake or river should it attempt to get inside. You’ll find food storage boxes at the following locations:

    • Sphinx Creek
    • Charlotte Creek
    • Lower Junction Meadow
    • Junction Meadow (East Creek)
    • Vidette Meadow
    • Woods Creek crossing/John Muir Trail
    • Upper Paradise Valley
    • Middle Paradise Valley
    • Lower Paradise Valley
    • Arrowhead Lake
    • Middle Rae Lake

Itinerary options for hiking Rae Lakes

The traditional Rae Lakes Loop can be completed in 2 to 5 days, but numerous side-trails offer multiple ways to spend more time exploring this incredible area. The following itineraries have been provided as a starting point for helping you plan your trip. Only you know what mileage you’re comfortable with, so make an informed decision. Hiking and backpacking are rare activities where faster isn’t necessarily better or more enjoyable. The last thing you want is to be stressing out about whether or not you’ll make it to camp before dark.

Please note the following restrictions when planning your trip and check for up to date restrictions prior to booking and starting your trip:

    • Camping in Paradise Valley is limited to two nights.
    • Camping at Rae Lakes is limited to one night per lake.
    • No camping at Lower Paradise Valley due to the number of dead trees in the area.

All mileages and elevations are rounded and approximate.

Alpenglow at Rae Lakes

Rae Lakes Loop in 2 days / 1 night

Crazy? Maybe a little, but trail runners tackle the Rae Lakes Loop in one day of quad destroying bliss.  So, if you’re really short on time and are comfortable logging high miles in the High Sierra this trip is for you.

Clockwise via Woods Creek

    • Day 1: Road’s End to Middle Rae Lakes via Woods Creek
      • 21.5 Miles (34 KM) 
      • 5900 ft (1800 M) Elevation Gain 
      • 300 ft (100 M) Elevation Loss
    • Day 2: Middle Rae Lakes to Road’s End via Bubbs Creek
      • 19 Miles (31 KM) 
      • 1600ft (500 M) Elevation Gain
      • 7200 ft (2200 M) Loss

 In this short of time, clockwise is the way to go as it allows you to spend a night at the loop’s namesake (Rae Lakes) and get up and over Glen Pass first thing in the morning on day 2. Going up Glen first has a number of benefits including: reducing the chance of having to delay due to midday thunderstorm and not having to conquer the toughest part of the trail at the end of a long day when you’re fatigued.  If you’re going with this itinerary, I’d start as early as possible. I  completed this same schedule on my first day hiking to Rae Lakes.  I picked up my permit at 7:00am and finished at middle Rae Lake shortly after 5:00pm with about 30-45 minutes of stoppage time (for lunch/snacks). It felt tough, but manageable. On the 2nd day it’ll be all downhill after completing Glenn pass as your first order of business and you should be back at Road’s end in the late afternoon/early evening, leaving you plenty of time to drive home, get a few hours sleep, and make that early morning Zoom meeting the next day.  Weekend warrior this trip was built for you!

Upper Rae Lakes at Sunrise on the Rae Lakes Loop

Rae Lakes in 3 days / 2 nights

There are a couple ways to complete this backpacking trip in 2 nights. If you cannot live with the FOMO of hiking to Rae Lakes and not camping there you will need to have one really big day and 2 medium days. If you’re alright with passing by Rae Lakes and not camping there you can spread the mileage over the three days on the trail.

Here are the options:

Option 1 - Clockwise via Woods Creek and camp at Rae Lakes

This is the choice for you if you MUST camp at Rae Lakes! I get it, this was me. Here’s how to do it:

    • Day 1: Road’s End to Middle Rae Lakes via Woods Creek
      • 21.5 Miles (34 KM)
      • 5900 ft (1800 M) Elevation Gain 
      • 300 ft (100 M) Elevation Loss
    • Day 2: Middle Rae Lakes to Junction Meadow, Charlotte Creek, or Sphinx Creek
      •  9.5 Miles (15 KM) to Junction
      • 1600 ft (500 M) Elevation Gain
      • 4000 ft (1200 M) Elevation Loss
    • Day 3:Junction Meadow, Charlotte Creek, or Sphinx Creek to Road’s End via Bubbs Creek
      •  9.5 Miles (15 KM)  to Junction
      • 3200ft (1000 M)  Elevation Loss

Similar to the 1 night itinerary, clockwise is the way to go as it allows you to spend a night at Rae Lakes and get up and over Glen Pass first thing in the morning on day 2. By knocking off Glen Pass first thing you reduce the chance of delay due to midday summer thunderstorms and avoid having to complete the toughest part of the trail at the very end of a long day.

Day 2 gives you some flexibility on the final campsite, allowing you to lengthen the day and subsequently reduce your hike out on day 3 should you desire. If you’re itching for more miles, trips to Charlotte Lake or Kearsarge Pass/Lakes can easily be added to the second day.  This is pretty much the itinerary I hiked, except I added a loop trip to Kearsarge Pass, Kearsarge Lakes and Bullfrog Lake to Day 2. 

Option 2 - Clockwise via Woods Creek with even-ish mileage

    • Day 1: Road’s End to Woods Creek Crossing via Woods Creek
      • 16 miles  (25 KM)
      • 3900 ft (1200 M) Elevation Gain 
      • 300 ft (100 M) Elevation Loss
    • Day 2: Woods Creek to Junction Meadow
      • 16 miles (25 KM) 
      • 3600 ft (1100 M) Elevation Gain
      • 4000 ft (1200 M) Elevation Loss
    • Day 3: Junction Meadow to Road’s End via Bubbs Creek
      • 9.5 Miles (15KM) 
      • 3300 ft (1000 M) Elevation Loss

If you’re looking to space the mileage out, this itinerary splits the elevation gain almost equally between the first and second days while leaving the shorter day for the final day to get where you need to go post hike. Downside is that you don’t get to camp in the alpine areas which are, in my opinion, the most scenic. 

Option 3 - Counterclockwise via Bubbs Creek with even-ish mileage

    • Day1:  Road’s End to past Charlotte  Lake Junction via Bubbs Creek . Stay near one of the small lakes about 1.5 Miles (2.5 KM) North of Charlotte Lake Junction and before Glen Pass.
      • 16 Miles (25 KM) 
      •  6600 ft (2000 M) Elevation Gain
    • Day 2: Charlotte Lake Junction area to Upper Paradise
      • 16 Miles (25 KM) 
      • 1000ft (300 M) Elevation Gain
      • 5300 0ft (1600 M) Elevation Loss
    • Day 3: Upper Paradise to Roads End
      • 9 Miles (14 Km) 
      • 2300 ft (700 M) Elevation Loss

This itinerary will park you very close to Glen Pass for day 2 and you get the majority of the tough mileage out of the way on a tough day 1. The mileage is more evenly distributed, but this first day will be very tough. 

Hikers ascend a snowy Glen Pass

Rae Lakes in 4 days / 3 nights

Completing the Rae Lakes Loop in 4 days / 3 nights seems to be the Goldiloks zone for many backpackers. Here are couple options to do it in this timeframe:

Option 1 - Clockwise via Woods Creek

    • Day 1: Road’s End to Upper Paradise
      • 9 Miles (14 Km) 
      • 2300 ft (700 M) Elevation Gain
    • Day 2: Upper Paradise to Middle Rae
      • 12 Miles (19 KM) 
      • 3600 ft (1100 M) Elevation Gain
      • 300 ft (100 M) Elevation Loss
    • Day 3: Middle Rae to Junction, Charlotte Creek, Sphinx.
      •  9.5 Miles (15 KM) to Junction
      • 1600 ft (500 M) Elevation Gain
      • 4000 ft (1200 M) Elevation Loss
    • Day 4: Junction Meadow, Charlotte Creek, or Sphinx Creek to Road’s End via Bubbs Creek
      •  9.5 Miles (15 KM)  from Junction
      • 3200ft (1000 M)  Elevation Loss

There are tough days in this itinerary, but the mileage is manageable for most backpackers.. You get to enjoy the splendor of Rae Lakes for a night and can summit Glen Pass in the morning. A winning itinerary, if I say so myself.  

Option 2 - Counterclockwise via Bubbs Creek

    • Day 1: Road’s End to Lower Vidette Meadow
      • 13 Miles (20 KM) 
      • 4600 ft (1400 M)  Elevation Gain 
    • Day 2: Lower Vidette Meadow to Middle Rae Lake
      • 7 Miles (11 KM)
      •  2600 ft (800 M) Elevation Gain
      •  1600 ft (500 M) Elevation Loss
    • Day 3: Middle Rae Lake to Upper Paradise
      • 12 Miles (19 KM)
      • (100 M) Elevation Gain
      • 3600 ft(1100 M) Elevation Loss
    • Day 4: Upper Paradise to Road’s End
      • 9 Miles (14 KM) 
      • 2300 ft (700 M) Elevation Loss

By making a big climb to Lower Vidette Meadow on Day 1 you put yourself in good shape to make the trek up to Glen Pass on the morning of Day 2. Ideally you’ll have a good amount of time in the later afternoon to kick back at Rae Lakes.

View from Glen Pass

Rae Lakes in 5 days / 4 nights

Spend a little bit more time in the area and break up the big up days into smaller and more manageable chunks.

Option 1 - Clockwise via Woods Creek

    • Day 1: Road’s End to Middle Paradise Valley
      • 8 Miles (12 KM)
      • 2000 ft (600M) Elevation Gain
      • 300 ft (100M) Elevation Loss
    • Day 2: Middle Paradise to Woods Creek
      • 8 Miles (12 KM) 
      • 2000 ft (600 M) Elevation Gain
    • Day 3: Woods Creek to Middle Rae Lake
      •  6 Miles (10 KM) 
      • 2000 ft (600 M) Elevation Gain
    • Day 4: Middle Rae Lake to Junction Meadow
      • 9 Miles 14 KM 
      • 1600 ft (500 M) Gain 
      • 4000 ft (1200 M) Loss
    • Day 5: Junction Meadow to Road’s End
      • 10 Miles (16 KM)
      • 3300 ft (1000 M) Loss

This itinerary groups the lighter mileage with the larger elevation gain and the longer mileage with the larger descents. The shortest day is to Rae lakes providing ample time for relaxation here. 

Option 2 - Counterclockwise via Bubbs Creek

    • Day 1: Road’s End to Charlotte Creek
      • 7 Miles (11 KM) 
      • 2300 ft (700 M) Elevation Gain
    • Day 2: Charlotte Creek to Charlotte Lake
      • 9 Miles (14 KM) 
      • 3900 ft (1200 M)  Elevation Gain
    • Day 3: Charlotte Lake to Arrowhead Lake
      • 7 Miles (12 KM) 
      • 1600 ft(500 M) Elevation Gain
      •  2000 ft(600 M) Elevation Loss
    • Day 4: Arrowhead Lake to Upper Paradise Valley
      •  10 Miles (16KM)
      •  3600 ft (1100 M) Elevation Loss
    • Day 5: Upper Paradise Valley to Road’s End
      • 9 Miles (14 KM)
      • 2300 ft (700 M) Elevation Loss

This itinerary once again groups the lighter mileage and larger elevation gain and longer mileage with larger descents. If you’re going clockwise and looking to split mileage evenly between the days you won’t be able to camp at Rae Lakes. This itinerary includes a 1 mile side trip to camp at Charlotte Lake on Day 2 which is a nice spot to camp and puts you in reasonable proximity to Glen Pass for Day 3. 

Trees on the Rae Lakes Loop

More time? Adapt the Itineraries!

Add a low KM day or zero KM day in the Rae Lakes and Arrowhead lakes alpine area to any of these itineraries to give yourself more time to explore. Maybe you spend the day relaxing lakeside or day hiking into the Sixty Lakes Basin (3 miles each way from Upper Rae Lakes).   Remember, if you’re staying at Rae Lakes you’ll have to move your basecamp as camping is limited to one night per lake. 

Itineraries too long? Break up a day. Camping is permitted almost everywhere on this loop, so break any of the days up into manageable chunks!

Packing List Breakdown

Hiking the Rae Lakes Loop is more enjoyable the lighter your pack. A lighter backpack helps you cover more mileage and more elevation with less effort making big days more realistic, not to mention more comfortable!

If you’re new to backpacking, don’t stress out about buying the latest and greatest equipment. Save money and use things you already own that can be repurposed for backpacking, rent gear, or borrow stuff from a well-equipped friend. Later, when you’ve gained more experience, modify your kit and change out gear as you get a better understanding of what you can and can’t live without. 

Use the checklist below to click to navigate to a discussion of each individual item. 

Permits & Red Tape

Wilderness permit

To backpack the Rae Lakes Loop, you require a wilderness permit for Sequoia/King’s Canyon National Park. For the typical route, you’ll need a permit starting from Bubbs  or Woods Creek trailheads. You must pick up your permit the day before/morning of your hike from the Road’s End Ranger Station (see full discussion on permitted earlier in the post). 

For alternate trailheads like Kearsarge Pass in Inyo National Forest, your require a wilderness permit for Inyo National Forest. While you don’t have to pick it up from a ranger station it must be printed and signed to activate.

National Recreation Pass

You need a national recreation pass to park to enter Sequoia/King’s Canyon National park. If you frequently recreate on public lands and national parks, get the America the Beautiful Annual Pass before your trip to save time. 

Emergency Medical Insurance (for non-US persons)

If you’re traveling from outside the US don’t forget to purchase comprehensive travel insurance that includes emergency evacuation. 

Check out World Nomads* for a quote. Hopefully, you never need to make a claim, but if you do you’ll be beyond happy you were prepared! I broke my collarbone traveling a few years ago, which hurt enough! I can’t imagine how much worse it would have hurt if I had to pay the $15,000 in medical bills out-of-pocket… 

*We receive a fee when you get a quote from World Nomads using this link. We do not represent World Nomads. This is not a recommendation to buy travel insurance.

Camping by Junction Meadow on Rae Lakes Loop

Essential Items


I’ve used the Mountain Hardwear Strato UL2  (view at REI / Backcountry) for several years including on the Rae Lakes Loop and it’s a great lightweight tent.  It’s semi-freestanding, double walled and weighs in at a mere 2.5 lbs. Plus, unlike many 2-person tents, it doesn’t have a tapered floor allowing for 2 extra wide sleeping pads to fit side-by-side with no overlap!  This tent is cozy, but workable for two and palatial for one! I believe this tent has now been discontinued, but check the links above to score a sweet deal.  If you can’t find this tent, the Nemo Hornet Osmo is a similar, high quality semi-freestanding tent.

For a completely freestanding tent that offers a bit more durability and space, check out the Big Agnes Copper Spur UL2 (view at REI / Backcountry)

Lastly, if you’re looking for a trekking pole tent, check out the single wall Durston X-Mid Pro which weighs in at a mere 20 oz (565g). There’s a reason this tent has developed a serious cult following among PCT hikers and ultralighters.

Hiker near Big Pine Creek
The Gregory Facet pack is the perfect combo of weight and features.


If you’re  just getting into backpacking, use any large-size backpack with a decent suspension system (and good hipbelt). Scope out a second hand shop or borrow one from a friend! Going this route gives you time to decide what features you need and whether or not backpacking is something you want to invest in.  Whatever backpack you use, make sure you have a good fit before by following this guide to backpack sizing.  When I first started backpacking, I used a 60L travel backpack, our Khmer Explorer Travel Set, on Canada’s West Coast Trail. While not designed for hiking, it worked great despite my ridiculous overpacking!  

If you’ve begun dialing in your backpacking kit and moving towards a lightweight set-up, check out either the Osprey Exos for men (view at REI/Backcountry) or Gregory’s Facet for women (view at REI / Backcountry). At under 3 lbs these packs are a great compromise between barebones ultralight options and the heavier feature-laden packs.  Their excellent suspension systems prevent the dreaded swampy/sweaty back on hot days.

If you’re an extreme gram counter, check out the Hyperlite 3400 southwest (view at REI Backcountry). It’s 100% waterproof and constructed from ultralight dyneema fabric.  Being ultralight you’ll sacrifice features, so if you hate getting a swampy back (that’s me) you may prefer the Osprey despite the weight penalty. Backpacking gear is always a zero sum game! 


Sleeping mat

I used to have terrible sleeps in the backcountry until I switched to the Therm-a-Rest NeoAir X-lite (view at REI / Backcountry / Thermarest). It’s incredibly lightweight, comfortable, and packs down to the size of a Nalgene bottle. This is probably one of my favorite backpacking items! Get one. You won’t regret it. Rest well! 

Patagonia Sleeping Bag in a tent

Sleeping bag or quilt​

Patagonia’s sleeping bags are 5 star!  I got one a few years back and it has been nothing short of perfect. Weighing only 822 g (29 oz)  it’s lightweight and packs down small!  I found the 30°F / -1°C  to be perfect for most outings – if it gets colder you can always layer up! Like all Patagonia products, it’s not cheap, but they stand behind their gear and the quality matches the price point. If you spend a lot of time in colder environments they also make a 20°F / -7°C version .  These bags are a worthwhile splurge! 

For an even lighter-weight option, consider going for a sleeping bag quilt. Feathered Friends  Flicker UL Quilt Sleeping Bag has won numerous awards and is a stalwart among ultralight backpackers. With a weight starting at  526 g (1 lb 2.5 oz), I can see why!  

For a budget friendly bag that will last you for years, check out these great options from Big Agnes & Nemo Equipment. Bags rated to 30°F / -1°C should be well suited to this trip.

Backpacking pillow

Yes, you can sleep with a pillow not made of bunched up clothes in the backcountry. The Nemo Fillo Elite  (view at REI / Backcountry) packs down ultra small and provides an unprecedented level of comfort after a long day on the trail. Once you try one you won’t imagine how you lived without!  

Water purification

I love the Steripen. It’s light, portable and only takes minutes to purify a liter of water in a Nalgene. Press the button, place the pen in your bottle, and stir for a couple minutes! Don’t forget to bring tablets as a backup  against technical problems/dead batteries.

Trowel, Toilet Paper & Hand Sanitizer

The lack of facilities on the Rae Lakes Trail make a trowel  a requirement for this trip. Follow minimum impact camping principles and be sure to dig a cathole a minimum of 6 inches deep and at least (200ft) away from any established trails, campsites, or water (creeks, lakes, rivers etc.). Pack out your TP.  Don’t forget a  small bottle (1 oz) of hand sanitizer.

Swiss army knife

For fixing gear or cutting food, bring a swiss army knife.

Stove & fuel canister

Lightweight, convenient, and reliable, the MSR pocket rocket (view at REI / Backcountry / MSR)  has been my go-to backpacking stove for years. 

Backcountry cookset

The GSI Halulite Microdualist II is a compact, lightweight two-person cookset that can fit an MSR pocket rocket and a fuel canister inside. 

If you’re looking to buy a minimalist stove and cookset the MSR PocketRocket Stove Kit  (view at REI / Backcountry / MSR)  is an all-inclusive solution.

Lighter and matches

A baby bic lighter is all you need. I often bring a small pack of matches wrapped in ziplock bag as well for backup or bring a small pack of waterproof ones.

Water bottle or reservoir

Nalgene (Check options at Backcountry REI) are the standard hiking bottle.If you’re cutting weight or looking for a way to save a buck, a simple smart water is the go-to for ultralight backpackers.  

Alternatively, a hydration reservoir (view options at REI Backcountryallows you to stay hydrated continuously without stopping to grab and open a bottle. The hoses sometimes leak though and they freeze up during chilly nights.

Water container

Extra water storage bags like the MSR Dromedary or Dromlite (view options at REI / Backcountry MSR ) help make cooking and treating water easier by saving walks repetitive water gathering missions.

First aid kit

A first aid kit is an essential item to have for treating blisters, scrapes, and cuts,.  The pre-built kits from Adventure Medical Kits (view at REI / BackcountryAdventure Medical Kits) offer many options for party size and trip length.  At the end of your trip, write down any items you used and replace them immediately  so your kit is ready for your next adventure. 

Hiking poles

Trekking poles help with the the big elevation changes on this hike! I resisted getting them for years, but take it from a former skeptic, poles are incredible at reducing the strain of long, grueling descents. Plus they providing extra stability on exposed sections. Do yourself a favor and get a pair of poles. I prefer the poles that fold up into a Z shape for their packability and weight. Leki (view options at REI) and Black Diamond (view options at REI) both make excellent options.


The Spot 400 (view at REI / Backcountry) has 6 modes including the night vision saving red light. Red light mode takes a minute to get used to, but once you do it’s a total game changer, Hello stars!!  

GPS, compass & map

Download the GAIA app for maps and gps. I always bring a traditional compass and map as well in the case of technical problems or dead batteries.

Battery Back-up & Charging Cables

Keep your phone charged for photos and gps. One of these Zendure powerbanks  is sufficient for 3-4 day trips. 

Don't forget a Bear Canister

Bear canister’s are bulky and annoying, but they’re easy to use and the best way to keep your food and scented items bear safe. Rangers check for them when issuing your permit.

 BearVault canisters are the most popular as their transparent design allows you to easily what’s packed where.

    • Get the BV500 (view at REI / Backcountry) for 6-7 day solo trips or 3-4 days for 2 people. 
    • Get the BV450 (view at REI Backcountryfor 3-4 day solo trips or weekend trips for 2 people.

Clothing & Accessories

Shell jacket

An essential piece for wind, rain, and snow. The Arc’teryx Beta shell (view men’s women’s) is the best all around shell jacket. This shell performs in all adverse conditions and is the perfect outer layer for cool Sierra nights or stormy afternoons. Arc’teryx gear is expensive, but impeccably designed. I was skeptical for years, until I purchased a few pieces of their trail running gear and got hooked. If you’re looking for the best reviewed hiking shell out there, this is the one. 

For another excellent option that is more economical,  check out the Patagonia Torrentshell 3L. (view men’s / women’s)

Puff jacket

I’ve had the Patagonia Nano Puff Hoody (view at REI / Backcountry / Patagonia) for years and it works great on it’s own or underneath a shell for extra warmth. It’s a perfect multi-functional item for everyday, backpacking, and pretty much anything where you might need a bit of warmth. I’m still looking for an activity it doesn’t work for. 


Mountain weather can change fast and rain pants can be a lifesaver in your backpacking kit. Many have the functionality for quickly taking them on and off without removing your shoes/boots allowing you to stay comfortable even if you get caught in a sudden downpour.  I’ve been happy with the Black Diamond StormLine Rain Pants (view at REI / Backcountry For a budget option check out the REI branded rain pants.

A little too serious about my sun hoodie....

Sun hoodie

When I was backpacking the Grand Canyon a few years back, I was shocked to see throngs of Arizona Trail thru-hikers wearing hoodies in the 100 degree (40 C) heat. Turns out they weren’t lost tech bros in the Grand Canyon, they were onto something! A sun hoodie has been one of the best items I’ve added to my backpacking kit. They keep you burn free, are surprisingly cool, and let you get away with leaving the bottle of sunscreen at home (or bringing way less). The Sahara Sun Hoodie from REI is literally the only shirt I wear backpacking now.

Convertible hiking pants

Personally, I like zip-off pants. They’re goofy, some people complain about the zippers, but you don’t know until you try! Try the Patagonia Quandary Convertible Pant (view at REI / Backcountry / Pataognia) and find out for yourself.

For women, check out the non-convertible Gamma Pants by Arc’teryx for a great all around hiking and mountain pant. (My wife likes them).

A pair of shorts

In addition to hiking pants, it’s nice to have a pair of shorts to change into after a long day on the trail or as a backup option. Trail running shorts are light and comfortable. 

Base layer top

In addition to a sun hoodie, I also bring one base layer top to change into at camp, wear to sleep or have as an alternate. The Capilene Cool trail (view at REI / Patagonia)  shirt is nice, but pretty much any athletic quick-dry top will work fine. 

Base Layer Bottom

A merino bottom baselayer is perfect for warming up at night or during chilly mornings.


These underwear work well for hiking, trail running, mountain biking and skiing. They dry fast and I’ve found them to be more durable than the more expensive ones from lululemon. I usually bring a 2-3 pair depending on trip length.  

Patagonia also makes women’s underwear, but I am unable to advise on fit, form, function, or durability on this front. 

Hiking socks 3 pairs

I pack 3 pairs of socks. 1 pair for hiking, 1 pair to change into at camp, and a reserve to throw into the rotation as needed.  Darn Tough Vermont make the best hiking socks hands down. They’re guaranteed for life/replaced free of charge and they don’t stink. So go ahead and try to get holes in your socks, they’ll give you new ones. 


A ball cap (view at REI Backcountry) or tilley hat keeps your face protected from the intense mountain sun. 


Bring a beanie for variable mountain weather, they’re perfect for chilly mornings or evenings.  


Pack your favorite pair, the sun gets intense at these elevations! 


I bring a thin weatherproof pair of trail running gloves, the Black Diamond Mount Blanc.

Trail runners or hiking boots

Unless you’re hiking in the winter with the potential for snow or you’re carrying gear for your whole family, I’d choose trail runners for this hike. I’ve had great luck with the both the La Sportiva Bushido II (view at REI / Backcountry) and the Altra Mount Blanc Trail Shoe. The Altra’s are supremely comfortable and my current favorite hiking shoe, but make sure to take some time transitioning into them before doing a major hike. These are a zero-drop shoe and diving in headfirst is likely to cause abnormal muscle soreness. 

If you insist on sticking to a hiking boot, consider a lightweight model like the Scarpa Rush.

Camp shoes

Crocs (view at Backcountry REI) are back! Well for backpacking camp shoes they never left… They’re lightweight and ugly as ever. I usually just loosen my trail runners to avoid packing camp shoes, but many backpackers find these to be the perfect camp shoe for resting sore feet after a long day. 

Low gaiters

Low gaiters can help keep rocks, sand, and snow out of your trail runners and save you from blisters. I don’t pack these, but some hikers like them.

Microspikes (Season Dependent)

Kahtoola Microspikes (view at Backcountry / REI) slip effortlessly over your boots and make walking on snow and ice a breeze. If you’re tackling this hike early in the season bring a pair along, especially for Glen Pass.

Hammock at the North Rim Campground at the Grand Canyon
Putting a Hammock to good use at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon

Optional Luxury Items

These items are luxuries that add weight, but may be worth it if you plan making base camp somewhere for a few days.


If you’ve never strung up a hammock between two trees deep in the backcountry, you’re missing out! Nothing beats getting horizontal with some great reading material in the pre-dinner hours or taking in an amazing sunset from your own outdoor couch. The ENO Double Nest (view at Backcountry / REI) has room for two and at ½ kg is easy to justify on this trip! Don’t forget the straps are sold separately (view them at Backcountry / REI).

Camp Chair

After a long day on the trail, there’s nothing better than finding a nice comfortable spot to rest your weary glutes. The Helinox Chair Zero (view at REI) is a great option and at just over 1lb, it’s light enough to justify bringing on slower/easier backpacking trips where weight isn’t as big of consideration or for trips from an established base camp. 

Additional Items to Pack


The sun is extra intense at these high elevations, so don’t forget sunscreen! If you’ve followed my advice about using a sun hoodie, you won’t need to pack much. I prefer mineral based sunscreen, like this one. Plus they’re small, easy to pack and won’t leak all over your gear. If you need even less, they offer a face stick as well.

SPF lip balm

Burnt and dry lips aren’t fun. Avoid the misery by packing SPF lip balm.

Bug Spray

In early season the bugs can be brutal on this hike, so don’t forget bug spray. I hate how DEET bug repellent feels on your skin and how easily one leaking bottle can destroy the coating on your expensive outdoor gear, use this Picaridin Insect Repellent instead! 


If you start contemplating cutting down the shaft of your toothbrush handle to shave a few grams of weight off, you’ve now become a maniacal gram counting ultralighter.  No, this practice is not uncommon.

Toothpaste tabs

No need to carry a tube of toothpaste, save the weight by counting out the exact number of toothbrushing sessions your hike requires then pack that number of toothpaste tabs

Duct tape

Duct tape isn’t just your dad’s favorite tool, it also works great for gear repairs and blisters! Take some off a big roll and wrap it around a toothpick or buy this small pack.


I try to avoid the pre-packaged, just add boiling water meals to save a few bucks. However, if you’re extremely strapped for time or just getting into backpacking, they do serve a purpose. If you go this route, I’d suggest the meals from GOOD TO-GO, they use fantastic ingredients with no additives or preservatives. 

As another option,  head to the grocery store and search for things like lentil rice, ramen, or mac & cheese. Pretty much any item at the grocery store that is dried and requires only boiling water is an easy and less expensive route to go. Always repack this type of food as there is no reason to carry unnecessary packaging/weight on the trail.

If you want to take your backcountry culinary experience to a whole new level, make your own food from scratch. This let’s you control portion sizes. protein content, nutrition, and flavor.  It’s also surprisingly easy with a bit of planning. Pickup this dehydrator and a copy of The Dehydrator Cookbook for Outdoor Adventurers and you’ll be a gourmet backcountry chef in no time! 

How to pack the right amount of food


To pack the right amount of food for backpacking pre-planning is critical. These are the steps I follow to get my menu organized before a trip:

    • Create a list with each day you’ll be on the trail as a header. Ex. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
    • Create sub headers within each day for the following categories: Breakfast, Snack 1, Lunch, Snack 2, Dinner
    • Purchase/make food to fill in every blank on the list and write each item down as you accumulate it. Add a couple extra bars or an extra dinner as buffer for emergencies.
    • Repackage all bulky food. Puncture large air pockets and place items in ziplocks.
    • Lay everything out by day and subcategory in your kitchen, living room, or wherever you have room.  This  serves as a final check against forgetting anything and makes packing easy. 
    • Once you’ve confirmed you have everything, load it into your bear can in reverse chronological order (last day goes in first to the bottom of the can). This helps minimizes digging through your bear can on the trail. 
View down the Valley from Mist Falls

Final thoughts on hiking the Rae Lakes Loop

    • The Rae Lakes Loop was an absolutely spectacular backpacking trip.
    • Completing it in 3 days was manageable, but day 1 was long.
    • JMT and PCT section from Woods Creek Bridge to  Lower Vidette Meadow felt very busy due to thru hiker traffic.
    • Bugs were pretty bad at times in early June. Saw hikers with face nets.

Your Thoughts on Rae Lakes

Have you hiked the Rae Lakes Loop? I’d love to hear from you. Questions about backpacking Rae Lakes? Drop me a line in the comments below and I’ll do my best to help! 

Rockwall Trail | The Ultimate Guide to Hiking the Rockwall

View along the Rockwall Trail towards Floe Lake.

The Rockwall Trail is one of the Canadian Rockies’ premier backpacking trips. For 55km you’ll be treated to a seemingly unending supply of sublime Rocky Mountain scenery. You’ll camp near glacier-clad Floe Lake, hear the torrent of water crashing down from 300m+ high Helmet Falls, and be left awestruck by the Rockwall itself, an incredible expanse of 1000ft cliffs arranged almost unbroken for 30km.

Traversing three high passes in Kootenay National Park, the Rockwall delivers over 2,500 m meters of quad-burning elevation gain and over that amount of knee-crunching descent. Fortunately, five established campsites make daily mileage manageable for backpackers looking to space the hike out over a longer period of time. 

Your biggest challenge in backpacking the Rockwall is likely to be obtaining a permit and finding a way to escape the crowds on this popular hike.  Fortunately, you’ve come to the right spot!  This comprehensive guide was built on my own experience hiking the Rockwall and includes multiple itinerary options for planning your own adventure. I also reveal how I managed to hike the first 40 km without crossing paths with another hiker, while snagging a permit only days before starting my hike. 

So without further ado, let’s dive in.

** Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links. If you click one of the links and make a purchase we’ll earn a small commission at no cost to you. We’re very particular about products and we only recommend products, services, or accommodation we trust and use ourselves.**

Need to Know for Hiking the Rockwall Trail

Days Required: 2-5
Difficulty: Moderate
Distance: 54 km (34 miles)
Elevation Gain: 2,500 m ( 8, 000 ft)
Elevation Loss: 2,600 m (8, 500 ft)
Permit Required: Yes, campsites must be booked and book up fast
Designated Campsites: Yes
Navigation: Easy, well marked and maintained trail
Food Storage: Provided bear boxes
Best Campsite: Floe Lake
Worst Campsite: Helmet/Ochre Junction

Patrol Cabin on the Rockwall Trail near Helmet Falls

Things You’ll Love About This Hike

    • Sublime Rocky Mountain scenery.
    • Established campsites with bear lockers (no need to carry a bear canister), tent pads, outhouses, and tables for cooking/eating.
    • Numerous campsites allow for flexibility on trip duration and daily mileage.
    • Chance to see Rocky Mountain mega fauna (moose, grizzly bears, and mountain goats).

Things You Won’t Love About This Hike

    • Lack of solitude during peak season with large campsites.
    • Competitive permit process that requires advance trip planning during peak season.
    • 13 km shuttle required between the starting trailhead and ending trailhead.
    • Most campsites lack dynamic views from the tent pads.

What to Pack for Backpacking the Rockwall

Here’s a quick summary of what to pack for backpacking the Rockwall Trail. You’ll find a detailed breakdown of each item at the end of the post with rational, alternatives and quick links to check prices.

Don’t Forget

Essential Items


Clothing and Accessories 

Additional Items

Luxury Items (very optional)

How to Get a Permit for the Rockwall trail

Trekking the Rockwall Trail is such a memorable backpacking trip that your biggest challenge is likely to be securing the right to do it. Reservations for many dates/campsites along the Rockwall book up days after Parks Canada opens the reservation system (usually at the end of January) and no permits are allocated for walk-ups. If you’re planning on doing this trek during peak season, set a reminder and plan ahead to avoid missing out.

To get a permit for the Rockwall Trail you can either call Parks Canada at 1-877-737-3783 or use the online system for Kootenay National Park.

You must start by selecting your starting trailhead, either:

    • Paint Pots Trailhead – if heading North to South
    • Floe Lake Trailhead- if heading South to North

After picking your starting trailhead you’ll select the campsites you’ll stay at each night. For help with that, refer to the itinerary section below.

Hiker on the Rockwall trail between Helmet Falls and Tumbling Creek

When to Hike the Rockwall

The Rockwall Trail is best hiked between early-mid July and mid September. Any earlier and the passes can still be snowbound and sections can be subject to avalanche danger. Later season trips provide a means to beat the crowds and gain booking flexibility. The downside is that the days get shorter, the nights get colder, and there is a significant chance of early season storms disrupting or canceling your hike all together.

My recommendation on when to hike it

I hiked the Rockwall in early October snow-free, but the nights were chilly (woke up to significant frost) and we used up the majority of daylight hours to complete the Rockwall in 2 nights. If you get lucky with weather and are prepared for the potential of cold-weather/snow, fall can be the perfect time to take this trip and you’ll experience solitude unlike any other time of year. We hiked the first 40 km before encountering another group, camped alone at Tumbling Creek, and shared Floe lake with only 4 other parties.  With demand for reservations falling off significantly after the middle of September,  it’s possible to reserve a permit the day before starting a trip (especially during the week). If you are prepared for the challenges of late season hiking, this is the way to go, so keep your eyes glued to the forecast and make a last minute decision. You might end up having this incredible hike all to yourself!  

How to Get to the Trailheads - Shuttles & Transportation

The Rockwall Trail starts from either Floe Lake Trailhead or Paint Pots Trailhead in Kootenay National Park, approximately 50 km from Banff (Paint Pots) and 175 km from the city of Calgary. The Floe Lake and Paint Pots trailheads are 13 km apart on the Kootenay Parkway Highway 93, making transportation between trailheads a required annoyance. Your options for dealing with this are as follows:


    • Take 2 cars and leave one at each trailhead.
    • Hitchhike. If you’re electing this option, the best bet is to start your trip with the hitchhike. You get it over with and are more likely to get picked up as you look all fresh and clean! Consider making a small sign on a piece of paper that says “Hiker: only going 13 km” (helps take the edge off by helping drivers realize that even if you’re a weirdo, they won’t be stuck with you for long).
    • Bet on your social skills and charm (busy season only). Meet someone on the trail or at the parking lot that will drive you to your car. Bring desirable backpacking bribes (think dessert, candy, pocket cocktails) to help lubricate negotiations.
    • Convince a friend, spouse, parent, or lover to drop you off and pick you up! Just make sure you arrange all the details in advance as there is no cell service!

Which Direction Should You Hike the Rockwall Trail?

The Rockwall can be hiked:

    •  North to South starting at Paint Pots trailhead and ending at Floe Lake trailhead, or
    •  South to North starting at Paint Pots and ending at Floe Lake trailhead.

Quite frankly, you should be happy if you get a permit going either direction given how hard it is to snag sites. The hike is awesome no matter how you do it! Floe Lake tends to be the most popular campsite and as a result your itinerary may be dictated by the available dates for camping here.  

I hiked the Rockwall North to South and if I had to choose I’d do that again. Doing it this way lets you enjoy camping at Floe Lake on your last night. Floe Lake is the pièce de résistance of the Rockwall campsites, and enjoying sunrise here is an epic way to cap your trip.

How Long Does it Take to Hike the Rockwall?

The Rockwall can be backpacked in 2-5 days depending on how much mileage you’d like to cover each day. In my opinion the sweet spot for hiking the Rockwall is 2-3 nights for reasonably conditioned hikers who are mindful of their pack weight.  You’ll start early and typically finish in the later afternoon. You’ll have full days of hiking, but leave plenty of time for photos, snack breaks, and lunch.  If you’re someone that likes slow mornings or lazing around camp in the afternoon, go for 4 nights – that’ll be perfect. 

The shorter you go for, the more important it is to be cognizant of your pack weight and what you’re packing (see the what to pack section). Pack weight makes a huge difference in your enjoyment levels during long days on the trail.

Rockwall Trail Sections

The Rockwall Trail is best thought of as 5 unique sections. Here’s a quick breakdown of each section described for a North to South trip (Paint Pots to Floe Lake Trailhead). If you’re going South to North, use your imagination and remember uphill changes to downhill!  😉

Helmet Falls in Kootenay National Park

Paint Pots Trailhead to Helmet Falls - 14.2 km

14.2 KM - 500 M elevation gain / 200 M elevation loss

The opening section of the Rockwall takes you through lush forest until you pass the Helmet-Ochre junction campground at 8.2 km.  Shortly after Helmet-Ochre Campground the trail swiftly gains elevation for about a kilometer before continuing at a more gradual pace up to the Helmet Falls Campground.  By the time you reach this campground, you’re 14 km into your trip and starting to get a real taste of some of the scenery to come! The campground is situated between the tributaries of Helmet Creek and 350m Helmet Falls crashes down in the distance. Take a breath, soak it all in, and taste that mountain air with an essence of waterfall mist! Yum!  A short side trip takes you closer to the base of the falls for a closer look. Stay here for the night if it’s on the itinerary, if not, proceed to the next level.

Heading towards Rockwall Pass

Helmet Falls to Tumbling Creek over Rockwall Pass- 12.3 KM

12.3 KM - 700 M elevation gain / 500 M elevation loss

After departing the Helmet Creek Campground the trail begins an ascent, climbing over 400m in just over 3 km to Limestone Summit.  This hard work gives you your first close-up of the incredible Rockwall. Take it in and enjoy. Erosive forces have been working relentlessly for millennia  to create this view for you and your Instagram followers!  Show ‘em some love and savor it! After your climb, you’ll descend towards the south fork of Helmet Creek before climbing again to Rockwall Pass and eventually passing the junction for Wolverine Pass where a short side trip leads to the border of Kootenay National Park. The scenery along this section is absolutely stunning as you view the Rockwall, alpine meadows and glaciers. Shortly after the junction you’ll make a short but steep descent down to Tumbling Creek Campground with views towards Tumbling Glacier and the Rockwall along the way. The campground is in the trees near the creek. 

views to tumbling glacier on the way to Tumbling Pass

Tumbling Creek to Numa Creek over Tumbling Pass - 7.9 km

7.9 KM - 400 M elevation gain / 700 M elevation loss

After departing the campground and crossing Tumbling Creek, you’ll fire up the ol’ pegs and begin your ascent up to Tumbling pass gaining 350m in 2.5 km. Go legs go! Walking through subalpine forest, you’ll have views of Tumbling Glacier. After reaching the height of the pass you’ll descend through a boulder meadow before following numerous switchbacks alongside tributaries fed from the glacier above, fording the water on numerous occasions. As you descend and hear the roar of Numa Creek grow louder, shrubbery begins to surround the trail. Make lots of noise here to avoid sneaking up on a bear enjoying the buffet of berries that can be found in this section. After walking through some lush vegetation that makes you feel as if you’re hiking in the Pacific Northwest, you’ll arrive at Numa Creek Campsite. 

Numa Pass at the height of the Rockwall Trail

Numa Creek to Floe Lake over Numa Pass - 9.2 km

9.4 KM - 800 M elevation gain / 300 M elevation loss

From Numa Creek Campsite, you’ll cross a log bridge over Numa Creek and hike through lush vegetation adjoining multiple avalanche chutes before beginning the climb to Numa Pass, the highest point on the Rockwall Trail. The ascent to Numa Pass is strenuous with 800m of elevation gain in under 7 km. As you near the top the landscape changes from alpine forest to a barren alpine tundra. From Numa Pass incredible vistas greet your weary legs including a glimpse of Mt. Temple to the North. After taking in the view from the pass, continue down through the alpine as you wind through larch glades and seasonal wildflower meadows, noticing as Floe Lake comes closer into view below you.  Once you reach Floe Lake there are a couple of frequently occupied tent pads near the water, unfortunately the  other sites lack the same view out to the lake. Fortunately, the cooking area is set adjacent to the lake and provides great consolation. Don’t forget to set your alarm, sunrise here is a spectacle to behold!

Floe Lake on the Rockwall Trail

Floe Lake to Floe Lake Trailhead - 10.5 km

9.4 KM - 150 M elevation gain / 900 M elevation loss

After walking for several hundred meters through the subalpine forest surrounding the magnificent Floe Lake, the trail drops sharply for the next 2.5 km, quickly losing 400m.  For the final 8 km you’ll find yourself walking through the remnants of the substantial forest fire that burned through Kootenay National Park in 2003. Heed extra caution on windy days as some of these trees have precarious leans to them. Take note of the incredible regrowth that has already occurred in this burned area and observe the significant logjams that have funneled their way into the valley and Floe Creek below. To wrap the hike you’ll walk alongside a beautiful canyon eroded by the Vermillion River, before crossing to the Floe Lake Trailhead. Give your hiking companions (if applicable) a high five! You did it!!  

View along the Rockwall Trail towards Floe Lake.

Rockwall Itinerary Options

Here’s your Rockwall itinerary buffet! No matter your time or desired mileage level there should be an itinerary that suits your palate.  I’ve also indicated which day you’re likely to find the most challenging. 

Campsites on the Rockwall Trail

To make your reservation for hiking the Rockwall you’ll need to select a campsite for each night. There are 5 campsites along the Rockwall Trail.  Listed in order from North to South they are:

    • Helmet-Ochre Junction Campground*
    • Helmet Falls Campground
    • Tumbling Creek Campground
    • Numa Creek Campground
    • Floe Lake Campground

*None of the below itineraries include the Helment-Ochre Junction Campground. In my opinion, staying at this site provides limited benefit as Helmet Falls to the Paint Pots Trailhead is not a challenge for most hikers looking to complete the Rockwall in its entirety. In a pinch, those looking to spend 4 nights on the trail could use this site as a substitute for Helmet Falls if that was booked. 

Rockwall Trail in 1 Night /2 Days

Crazy?? Maybe! But trail runners slay this dragon of hike in a day. So, the Rockwall Trail is doable as a 1 night / 2 day backpacking trip if that’s all your schedule affords. To make this happen, you’ll need to travel light and be comfortable hiking 30 km+ days with significant elevation changes. Your pack weight should be under 20 lbs. I’d also suggest doing this early in the season (July) so that the long daylight hours are on your side and you can hike from dawn to dusk if needed. 

Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, time to pick your poison:

Starting at Paint Pots Trailhead

Option 1
    • Day 1: Paint Pots Trailhead to Tumbling Creek (26.5 km) 
    • Day 2: Tumbling Creek to Floe Lake Trailhead (27.6 km) – Hardest Day

Notes: This option splits the mileage evenly between the two days with Day 2 being significantly more challenging as you’ll combine both Tumbling Pass and Numa Pass in one day before making the knee-crunching descent from Floe Lake to the parking lot.

Option 2
    • Day 1: Paint Pots Trailhead to Numa Creek (34.4 km) – Hardest Day
    • Day 2: Numa Creek to Floe Lake Trailhead (19.7 km)

Notes: A huge Day 1 is a great way to go as you benefit from fresh legs and guaranteed blister-free feet!  Plus, by doing it this way, you group the two easier passes together (Rockwall Pass and Tumbling Pass). This itinerary also saves the most physically strenuous pass (Numa Creek Campsite to Numa Pass) for the lower mileage day and provides ample time for a lunch stop at Flow Lake prior to making the big descent down to the trailhead.

Starting at Floe Lake Trailhead

Option 1
    • Day 1: Floe Lake Trailhead to Numa Creek (19.7 km)
    • Day 2: Numa Creek to Paint Pots (34.4 km) – Hardest Day

Notes: For a 1-night option going South to North, this is the option that I’d pick as the first day is shorter, but includes a significant amount of elevation delta going directly from the Floe Lake Trailhead to the trail’s high point (Numa Pass) then making the big drop down to Numa Creek. The second day will be long, but the most challenging ascent will come first thing as you grind up Tumbling pass from Numa Creek Campground. The final 14 km from Helmet Falls to the trailhead will fly by. 

Option 2
    • Day 1: Floe Lake Trailhead (27.6 km) to Tumbling Creek – Hardest Day
    • Day 2: Tumbling Creek to Paint Pots Trailhead (26.5 km) 

Notes: Despite evening out the mileage, Day 1 will be brutal on this trip as you ascend the trail’s two longest climbs back-to-back while squishing the epic descent from Numa Pass to Numa Creek in the middle. The upside? Day 2 should feel like a breeze after making the early morning climb from Tumbling creek to Rockwall pass, so you can throw it into cruise all the way down.

hiker crosses Numa Creek on the rockwall trail

Rockwall Trail in 2 Nights/3 Days

Anytime you can fit a trip like the Rockwall into an extended weekend, you go for it right? If that’s your motto and you’re an in-shape backpacker that knows your limits, this is probably the trip length for you. When I hiked the Rockwall this is how I did it (North-South) and if I had a do over, I wouldn’t change a thing! This trip duration makes for a couple full days, but you have ample time to enjoy the views without feeling rushed and you’re left with an easy half-day conclusion to wrap it up. 

Starting at Paint Pots Trailhead

    • Day 1: Paint Pots Trailhead to Tumbling Creek (26.5 km) – Hardest Day
    • Day 2: Tumbling Creek to Floe Lake (17.1 km) 
    • Day 3: Floe Lake to Floe Lake Trailhead (10.5 km)

Notes: This is the exact itinerary that I hiked. Day 1 was long, but manageable. Day 2 felt longer than the mileage would suggest given the significant elevation gain over Tumbling Pass and Numa Pass before reaching Floe Lake. The hike out from Floe Lake flew by in the morning of the last day.

Starting at Floe Lake Trailhead

    • Day 1: Floe Lake Trailhead to Numa Creek (19.7 km) – Tie Hardest
    • Day 2: Numa Creek to Helmet Falls (20.2 km) – Tie Hardest
    • Day 3: Helmet Falls to Paint Pots Trailhead (14.2 km)

Notes: This itinerary has been included as an option, but I don’t recommend this itinerary unless you have no other options for the following reasons:

    1. You have limited time to enjoy the scenery around Floe Lake.
    2. The section from Helmet Falls to the Paint Pots Trailhead isn’t nearly as enjoyable of a denouement as the descent from Floe Lake.
Heading towards Numa Pass on the Rockwall Trail

Rockwall Trail in 3 Nights/4 Days

Completing this hike in 3 nights and 4 days requires one longer day, but allows for plenty of time to relax at campsites and enjoy the Rockwall at a more leisurely pace. Unfortunately, this itinerary is slightly awkward, as you’re still stuck with one longish day that will include two passes. 

Starting at Paint Pots Trailhead

    • Day 1: Paint Pots Trailhead to Helmet Falls (14.2 km)
    • Day 2: Helmet Falls to Numa Creek (20.2 km) – Hardest Day
    • Day 3: Numa Creek to Floe Lake (9.3 km)
    • Day 4: Floe Lake to Floe Lake Trailhead (10.5 km)  

Notes: Day 2 will be the most challenging as you combine Rockwall Pass and Tumbling Pass in one day. Both are manageable ascents taken in this direction. You’re likely to find the long descent from Tumbling Pass to Numa Creek tiring at the end of a long day. Day 3 has light mileage, but the ascent to Numa Pass is long and gruelling.

Starting at Floe Lake Trailhead

    • Day 1: Floe Lake Trailhead to Floe Lake (10.5 km)
    • Day 2: Floe Lake to Tumbling Creek (17.1 km) – Hardest Day
    • Day 3: Tumbling Creek to Helmet Falls (12.3 km) 
    • Day 4: Helmet Falls to Paint Pots Trailhead (14.2 km)

Notes: Day 2 will be tough. After making the big descent from Numa Pass to Numa Creek, you’ll make the long and thigh-burning ascent to Tumbling Pass. Day 1 is likely to be the next most challenging as the climb to Floe Lake is significant.

Descending the Floe Lake Trail on the Rockwall

Rockwall Trail in 4 Nights/5 Days

The Rockwall Trail’s incredible scenery is worthwhile sticking around for and with 5 established campsites along the trail, why not make use of them? By going with this itinerary you’ll break all major elevation gains into separate days. This seems to be the most popular way for most backpackers trek the Rockwall. The more relaxed schedule allows you to sleep in a bit and relax at camp after arriving early in the afternoon. If this sounds like the type of adventure you’re looking for, here’s how to make it happen:

Starting at Paint Pots Trailhead:

    • Day 1: Paint Pots Trail Head to Helmet Falls (14.2 km) 
    • Day 2: Helmet Falls to Tumbling Creek (12.3 km)
    • Day 3: Tumbling Creek to Numa Creek (7.9 km)
    • Day 4: Numa Creek to Floe Lake (9.3 km) – Toughest Day
    • Day 5: Floe Lake to Floe Lake Trailhead (10.5 km)  

Notes: This itinerary is the standard Rockwall itinerary that many backpackers choose. The climb to Numa Pass on Day 4 is likely to be the most challenging.

Starting at Floe Lake Trailhead

    • Day 1: Floe Lake Trailhead to Floe Lake (10.5 km) – Toughest Day 
    • Day 2: Floe Lake to Numa Creek (9.3 km)
    • Day 3: Numa Creek to Tumbling Creek (7.9 km)
    • Day 4: Tumbling Creek to Helmet Falls (7.9 km)
    • Day 5: Helmet Falls to Paint Pots Trailhead (14.2 km)
  • Notes: This itinerary is the standard Rockwall itinerary that many backpackers choose. The climb to Floe Lake (Day 1) is likely to be the most challenging, with the climb from Numa Creek to Tumbling pass (Day 3) a close second. 
Vermillion River Canyon by Floe Lake Trailhead

What to Pack for the Rockwall Trail

Since I backpacked the Rockwall, I’ve changed and continuously improved my gear setup to lighten my pack weight. Backpacking light makes it easier to cover long distances, large amounts of elevation and be a lot more comfortable doing so! 

That said, if you’re new to backpacking, don’t stress out about buying the latest and greatest equipment. Save money and use things you already own  or borrow things from a friend. Later, when you’ve gained more experience, modify your kit and change out gear as you get a better understanding of what creature comforts you can and can’t live without. Even then, it’s a consistently evolving process. 

With this in mind, here’s a list of what to pack and gear suggestions for hiking the Rockwall Trail.

Park Pass and Site Reservations

Don’t forget to buy a park entrance pass or Discovery Annual Pass and leave it on the dash in your car. To avoid the line at the park gates, or if you’re driving past the ticket windows at the National Park gates before opening, buy your park entrance pass and print it in advance.

Additionally, print and bring along the campsite reservation/backcountry reservation confirmations for your trip.

Best Tent for the Rockwall Trail

I upgraded to Mountain Hardwear Strato UL2 last year.  It’s semi-freestanding (needs to be staked), double walled and weighs in at a mere 2.5 lbs. Unlike many 2-person tents, it doesn’t have a tapered floor and can fit 2 extra wide sleeping pads side-by-side with no overlap. A rare feature in this class of tent!  It’s cozy, but workable for two and palatial for one!  I debated between this tent and the MSR Freelite and ultimately chose the MH as it was in-stock. The MH Strato doesn’t seem to be as readily available in Canada, so you may want to go for the MSR Freelite to avoid the risk of paying duty shipping the MH from a retailer in the US.  Ultimately, both are a great lightweight tents with similar features, but feel very fragile given their lightweight components.  If you’re looking for more durability/resilience these aren’t the tents for you. 

If you’re looking for a completely freestanding tent that offers more durability, check out the Big Agnes Copper Spur UL2. It’s unique blend of functionality, livability, weight, and durability earn high praise and Big Agnes’s customer service is outstanding!  

Best Backpack for the Rockwall Trail

If you’re relatively new to backpacking and building out your kit slowly, there is nothing wrong with using a large size travel backpack with a decent suspension system and padded hipbelt or borrowing a pack from a friend. This gives you time to decide what features you need and whether or not backpacking (and the gear) is something you’re going to invest in.  When I first started backpacking, I used my Khmer Explorer Travel Set on the West Coast Trail and Sunshine Coast Trail which worked great despite my poor packing skills (don’t recommend backpacking with 55lbs…)!  

If you’ve begun dialing in your backpacking kit,  check out the Gregory Focal or Women’s specific Facet. At ~2.5lbs these packs provide a great compromise between barebones ultralight packs and the heavier feature laden packs. The Osprey Exos (men’s) & Eja (women’s) backpacks are also great packs comparable in features and weight.  

If you’re ready to go to an extreme level of gram counting and have eliminated all creature comforts check out the Hyperlite 3400 southwest. It’s 100% waterproof and constructed from ultra light dyneema fabric. Being ultralight, you’ll sacrifice features, so if you hate getting a swampy back (that’s me) you may prefer the Osprey or Gregory despite the small weight penalty. Backpacking gear is always a zero sum game! 

Sleeping Mat

I used to have terrible sleeps in the backcountry until I switched to the Therm-a-Rest NeoAir Xlite. It’s incredibly lightweight, comfortable and packs down to the size of a Nalgene bottle. This is probably one of my favorite backpacking items! Try it out. You won’t regret it. Sleep well!

Backpacking Pillow

Yes, you can sleep with a pillow not made of bunched up clothes in the backcountry.  I love the Nemo Fillo Elite, but they’re harder to find in Canada. Fortunately, this one from Sea-to-Summit are a similar concept, weight and size. 

Sleeping Bag

I can’t speak highly enough of Patagonia’s Fitz Roy sleeping bags I invested in one several years ago. It’s unbelievably lightweight and packs down small. I found the 30°F / -1°C to be perfect for most outings. Like all Patagonia products, it’s not cheap, but they stand behind their gear and the quality matches the price point. If you spend a lot of time in colder environments they also make a 20°F / -7°C version.  These bags are a very worthwhile splurge you won’t be disappointed in.

If you’re looking for an even lighter-weight option, consider going for a sleeping bag quilt. Feathered Friends  Flicker UL Quilt Sleeping Bag has won numerous awards and is a stalwart among ultralight backpackers. With a weight starting at  526 g (1 lb 2.5 oz), I can see why!  

Water Purification

I love the Steripen. It’s light, portable and only takes minutes to purify a liter of water in a Nalgene. Press the button, place the pen in your bottle, and stir for a couple minutes. It’s like magic! Make sure to bring a few purification tablets as a backup should you run into any technical problems/dead battery with your Steripen.

Trowel, Toilet Paper & Hand Sanitizer

The Rockwall trail feels like luxury with established outhouses at each campsite, that said you need to bring a trowel for digging a cathole in case nature calls at any other time. Follow minimum impact camping principles and be sure to go at least 200m away from any established trails, campsites, or water (creeks, lakes, rivers etc.). Pack out your TP or hang onto it until you reach the next outhouse.

Don’t forget a  small bottle (1 oz) of hand sanitizer.

Swiss Army Knife

Fixing gear, cutting food, a swiss army knife is your go to everything too for backpacking.

Stove & Fuel Canisters

Lightweight, convenient, and reliable, the MSR pocket rocket has been my go to backpacking stove for years.

Lighter & Matches

A bring a small baby Bic lighter (in a mini-ziplock to keep it dry) & a few matches as a failsafe.

Backcountry Cookset

I love the GSI Halulite Microdualist II, Two-person cookset. It’s lightweight and I can fit my MSR pocket rocket and a fuel canister inside. If you don’t already have a stove, consider the MSR PocketRocket Stove Kit for an all-inclusive solution.

Water Bottle or Reservoir

Nalgenes are always a backcountry favorite. If you’re cutting weight or looking for a way to save a buck, a simple smart water is the go-to for ultralight backpackers. I’ve recently moved to a hydration reservoir as it allows me to stay hydrated continuously without stopping to grab and open a bottle.

Water Container

The Rockwall Trail has a pretty solid supply of accessible water sources, but sometimes it’s nice to have extra water storage capacity for cooking and camp.  The MSR DromLite Bag V2.  are a lightweight option to add this convenience and are essential on trips with less reliable water sources. 

First Aid Kit

From blisters, to scrapes, and cuts. A first aid kit is an essential item to have.  The pre-built kits from Adventure Medical Kits have served me well on many adventurers. At the end of your trip write down any items you used and replace them so they’re ready for your next adventure.

Hiking Poles

For the grueling passes of the Rockwall, poles make a big difference!  I resisted getting them for years, but take it from a former skeptic, poles are incredible at reducing the strain of long, gruelling descents and providing extra stability on exposed sections. Do yourself a favor and get a pair of poles. I‘ve had great luck with these Leki’s, but for a reliable entry-level option try these Black Diamond Poles. Black Diamond also makes a carbon fiber version if you’re looking to save extra weight.

Bear Spray

The Rockwall trail passes through prime Grizzly Bear country making Bear Spray  an absolute must! Make sure to remove the packaging, check the expiration date before heading out, and know how to use it.

Dry Bag

The Rockwall offers bear storage boxes at every campsite so you can leave your buiky bear can at home! For trips like this, I use a dry bag to store my food, camp cook wear, and toiletries/scented items in, making transportation easy to the bear box and keeping everything nicely organized inside my pack.


The Spot 500-R is the way to go with 9 modes including the night vision saving red light!  Red light mode takes a minute to get used to, but once you do it’s a total game changer trust me! The stars never looked so good!  The Spot 500-R is rechargable, but with a batter life of over 19 hrs on medium and 7hrs on high it should get you through the trip!

GPS, Compass & Map

The Rockwall Trail is extremely well marked, but download the GAIA app for maps and gps. Additionally, I always bring a traditional compass and map in the case of technical problems or dead batteries.

Power Bank & Charging Cable

Don’t forget a power bank to keep your phone charged for photos and gps. Plus a backup for charging your headlamp if it needs a recharge. 

Clothing & Accessories to Pack for the Rockwall

Shell Jacket

A shell jacket is one of the most important items in your backpacking kit and it’s vital to have a great shell for the rapidly changing mountain environment you’ll experience backpacking the Rockwall. The Arc’teryx Beta shell is the best all around shell jacket. This shell performs in all adverse conditions and is the perfect outer layer for rainy days, or cool nights. Arc’teryx gear is expensive, but impeccably designed. I was skeptical for years, until I purchased a few pieces of their trail running gear and got hooked. If you’re looking for the best reviewed hiking shell out there, this is the one. 

For another excellent option that is more economical,  check out the Patagonia Torrentshell 3L

Puff Jacket

I’ve had the Patagonia Nano Puff Hoody for years and it works great on it’s own or layered underneath your shell for extra warmth. It’s a perfect multi-functional item for everyday, backpacking, and pretty much anything where you might need a bit of warmth. I’m still looking for an activity it doesn’t work for. 


You leave camp on sunny beautiful day breaking sweat over a pass, only to have storm clouds roll in an hour later and dump sleet on you. Rainpants are lifesaver for rapidly changing mountain weather.  Many have the functionality for quickly taking them on and off without removing your shoes/boots allowing you to stay comfortable even if you get caught in a sudden downpour.  I’ve been happy with the Black Diamond StormLine Rain PantsThe Patagonia Torrentshell pants are also a great option. 

Sun Hoodie

When I went backpacking in the Grand Canyon a few years back, I was shocked to see throngs of Arizona Trail thru-hikers wearing hoodies in the  40 C heat. Turns out they weren’t just lost tech bros in the Grand Canyon, they were really onto something! A sun hoodie has been one of the best items I’ve added to my backpacking kit. They keep you burn free, are surprisingly cool, and let you get away with leaving the bottle of sunscreen at home (or bringing way less). The Sahara Sun Hoodie from REI is one of the best items I’ve added to my backpacking wardrobe and you can’t beat the price. 

Zip Off / Convertible Hiking Pants

I never thought I’d see the day I embraced the zip-off pant. But hey, they’re the best of both worlds. Check out the Quandary Pant for a great option

A pair of shorts

In addition to hiking pants, it’s nice to have a pair of shorts to change into after a long day on the trail or as a backup option. Trail running shorts are light and comfortable. 

Base layer top

In addition to a sun hoodie, I also bring one base layer top to change into at camp or have as an alternate. The Capilene Cool trail  t-shirts work great for me on long hikes and trail runs, but pretty much any athletic quick-dry top will work fine. 

Base Layer Bottom

A merino wool or synthetic bottom baselayer is perfect for warming up at night or during chilly mornings.


I’ve had the best luck with Patagonia underwear for hiking, trail running, mountain biking and skiing and found them to be more durable than the more expensive ones from lululemon. I usually bring a 2-3 pair depending on trip length. 

3 Pairs of Hiking Socks

Darn Tough Vermont makes the best hiking socks hands down. They’re guaranteed for life/replaced free of charge and they don’t stink. Really! I typically bring 3 pair. 1 pair for hiking, 1 pair to change into at camp, and a reserve to throw into the rotation as needed. 


I typically bring a thin weatherproof pair of trail running gloves, like these

Sun Hat & Winter Hat/Toque

A cap or Tilley hat keeps your face protected from the intense mountain sun. A toque is great for warming up during chilly mornings, evenings or when the weather takes a turn. 


Protect your eyes, don’t forget to bring your Sunglasses!

Trail Runners or Boots - Are Trail Runners or Hiking Boots Better for the Rockwall?

The answer here is it depends! If you have your backpack weight down to less than 20-25lbs and have a decent amount of backpacking experience, trail runners are the way to go during the summer months. If you’re going at a time when snowfall and colder weather are a possibility go with boots. Boots are also a better choice if you have a heavier pack and are newer to backpacking as they provide more stability and sturdiness. You also feel rough sections of the trail alot less on the base of your feet!  

In October with the cold weather and snow a real possibility I hiked the Rockwall in my Scarpa Kailash Hiking Boots.  During the summer months and with a light load I’d wear my La Sportiva Bushido II.

Camp Shoes

Crocs are back! Well for backpacking camp shoes they never left… They’re lightweight and ugly as ever. Many backpackers find them to be the perfect camp shoe for resting sore feat after a long day in boots/shoes.

Personally, I still hate them. I have an old pair of Tom’s which I occasionally bring. They are light and less bulky than Crocs. If going with a trail runner, I’ll often ditch the camp shoe altogether and just loosen my laces. Your call!  

Microspikes (Season Dependent)

Kahtoola Microspikes slip effortlessly over your boots and make walking on snow and ice a breeze. These are absolutely essential for early season travel or later in the year when snow/ice are a possibility.

Low Trail Running Gaiters

Low gaiters are perfect for keeping rocks, sand, and snow out of your trail runners/boots and preventing blisters.

Additional Items to Pack

Toothbrush & Toothpaste

I recently started packing these toothpaste tabs in a tiny plastic bag/ziplock to save more space.

Duct Tape (For Repairs and Blisters)


Everyone has different takes and caloric requirements, so I’m not going to tell you exactly what to bring. I generally avoid the just add water meals you find at REI or MEC.  They’re overpriced and often don’t rehydrate as you’d like. Check out these incredible soups and chilis they taste better, are made with better ingredients, and are less expensive. As another option,  I head to the grocery store and search for things like lentil rice, ramen, or plant-based mac & cheese. They’re basically just add/boil quickly meals and taste like real food. Always rebag/repack this type of food as there is no reason to carry unnecessary packaging weight on the trail.

Travelling from outside Canada? DO NOT FORGET THIS

If you’re traveling from outside Canada don’t forget to purchase comprehensive travel insurance that includes emergency evacuation!

Check out World Nomads* for a quote. Hopefully you never need to make a claim, but if you do you’ll be beyond happy you were prepared! I broke my collarbone  traveling a few years ago, which hurt enough! I can’t imagine how much worse it would have felt if I had to pay the $15,000 in medical bills out-of-pocket. 

*We receive a fee when you get a quote from World Nomads using this link. We do not represent World Nomads. This is not a recommendation to buy travel insurance.

Luxury Items You Could Pack

These items are extreme luxuries for a backpacking trip, but may be worth it depending on your weight priorities and the distance you plan to cover. I’d only  consider these items on a low distance or base camp style hike given their added weight and bulk. 

Camp Chair

After a long day on the trail there’s nothing better than finding a nice comfortable spot to rest your weary glutes. Fortunately, the Rockwall Trail offers tables and benches at every eating area. So this item is almost certainly a leave behind on this trip unless you’re looking for a comfortable spot to sit near your tent. Check out the Big Agnes Mica Basin Camp Chair or the Helinox Chair One.  Both weigh around 1kg, and are light enough to justify bringing on slower/easier backpacking trips where weight isn’t as big of consideration or for trips where you’re taking day trips from an established base camp.


If you’ve never strung up a hammock between two trees deep in the backcountry you’re missing out! Nothing beats getting horizontal with some great reading material in the pre-dinner hours or taking in an amazing sunset from your own outdoor couch.  The ENO Double Nest has room for two and at ½ kg  it’s hardly even a splurge to pack.  P.S don’t forget the straps to hang it.

Final Thoughts on the Rockwall Trail

    •  The Rockwall Trail is unquestionably one the best hikes for scenery that I’ve experienced in the Canadian Rockies. 
    • Go late season to avoid the crowds. 
    • 2.5 days felt like the perfect length. It was 2 full days with early morning starts and late afternoon finishes, but plenty of time for lunch, scenery observation, and snacks. The last day from Floe Lake to Floe Lake Trailhead was an easy half day. 
    • The section from Tumbling Pass to Numa Creek felt like it would be quite hot in peak summer months. 
    • What I’d change hiking it again: Nothing! I was happy with the duration and campsites.   
    • Hike it North to South. Floe Lake is a great place to finish. Sunrise there is spectacular. The final day out is short, yet scenic, and makes for an easy conclusion. 

Your Thoughts on the Rockwall Trail?

Have you hiked the Rockwall Trail? I’d love to hear from you.

Questions about the Rockwall? Drop me a line in the comments below and I’ll do my best to help! 

Don't miss these adventures

Plan Your First Backpacking Trip | How to Overnight Hike

Morning views from campsite after backpacking

Planning your first backpacking trip can feel intimidating. What do you pack? What if you forget something? How do you store your food? How do you take a #2?

Maybe you’ve been drawn in by the idea of hiking past isolated mountain vistas, the thought of having your morning coffee by a glacier fed lake, or simply inspired by the desire to feel the sense of adventure and connection with nature that comes with a backpacking. Whatever your reason, a good backpacking trip can easily become the highlight of your summer, or year, assuming it’s planned correctly. 

Unfortunately, it’s the latter that can serve as a major obstacle for getting into backpacking hiking and overnight camping. I’ll be the first to admit that prior to taking my first backpacking trip I was gripped with anxiety. Did I forget something essential? Would our gear work as planned? Fortunately, everything went off without a hitch and I’m certain it will for you too if you follow the simple steps I’ve put forward in this guide to taking your first overnight hike.

Research, plan your route, and pick an easy hike!

Planning an overnight hike thoroughly before embarking is a critical step. The last thing you want is to set off down the trail and realize that the hike is more than you bargained for and that your packing/gear setup was completely wrong. Take some time to do your research, air on the easy side of the difficulty spectrum and familiarize yourself as much as possible with the route in advance.

Person looks at map for planning backpacking trip

Research your first backpacking trip and plan your route

Maybe you heard about a hike or an area via Instagram, driving through a national park, or simply by old fashioned word of mouth. However your curiosity was piqued, take a look for blog posts or pick up a guide book written exclusively for the area you’re interested in from MEC or REI. National/state/provincial park websites are also great resources for learning more about a hike and frequently include pertinent information about closures, dangers, and trail conditions. By taking the time to do a bit of research you’ll be able to answer important questions before setting out like: Is the trail well marked? How difficult is it? Are there any nuances I need to be aware of? How long can I expect it to take? What are the unique transportation considerations (is it a loop hike or a through hike)? What are the water sources like?

Lean towards the easy side of the difficulty spectrum for your first overnight backpacking trip

The Howe Sound Crest Trail, West Coast Trail, Rockwall Trail, and John Muir Trail are all fantastic, but not for your first backcountry adventure. When choosing a trail, pick one you think will be easy and save longer or more challenging hikes for future adventures. Even if you’re accustomed to crushing epic day hikes , your first backpacking trip isn’t about pushing the envelope. 

Instead, your first trip is all about getting comfortable with the preparation and execution components, the addition of a 35lb backpack and making sure everything works the way you want it to. Start small and if possible, select a hike that offers designated backcountry camping areas with a few basics like tent pads, outhouses, or bear boxes. These small “amenities” can really help make things easier on your first adventure, saving you the trouble of campsite selection, cat-hole digging (more on this later), and hanging/storing your food. Furthermore, it’s important to select a hike that follows a well-marked trail unless you have some experience wielding a compass alongside a topographic map.

Sunset hiking

How many nights for your first overnight hike?

For your first hike into the backcountry, make it short and sweet and go for 1 night. A short trip means far fewer meals to worry about, less planning, and a lighter pack. Plus, in the worst case scenario that the weather turns foul or something goes drastically wrong, you’re that much closer to your starting point. If you’re planning a more ambitious trip in the near future, use your first one-nighter as a test run and a great opportunity to try out your gear.

What gear should you pack for a backpacking trip?

Ok, so you’ve picked a fantastic trail for your first overnight backcountry camping trip, you’ve done your research, and you’re comfortable with the logistics. Now it’s time to pack!  What do you already have? What do you need to bring? Before you drop thousands of dollars on new equipment, let’s dive into the gear list.

Backpacking and overnight hiking packing list


For your first overnight hike, you’re going to want a backpack in the range of 50L to 65L with a sturdy adjustable harness and hipbelt. Maybe you have a great pack with similar specs that you’ve used for travelling (we’ve seen many people repurpose our Khmer Explorer Travel Set for overnight hikes with great success) or perhaps you have a friend who can loan you their pack. If you’re out of luck on both fronts, check out rental options. Typically, MEC & REI offer rental packs at affordable rates which are a great option for your first trip, especially if you’re not ready to fully commit to backpacking as a full-time hobby! Whatever route you choose, make sure to try the pack out before setting out to ensure it’s properly adjusted with the hip belt doing the majority of the work!

If you’re ready to invest in backpacking gear checkout the Gregory Focal or Women’s specific Facet which at ~2.5lbs provide a great compromise between barebones ultralight packs and the heavier feature-laden packs. 

If you’re going to immediately strive for an ultralight set up, check out the Hyperlite 3400 southwest. It’s 100% waterproof and constructed from ultralight dyneema fabric.

Morning views from campsite after backpacking


A great tent is an investment that can last you for years. That said, it is definitely an investment in the sense that it can easily run in excess of $400. If you own a tent already and it’s reasonably compact/lightweight, it should serve you fine for your first backcountry camping adventure. Don’t own a tent? Once again, try to borrow one from a friend or look to rent one from your local outdoor gear shop and add in this vital piece of equipment once you get a better feel for how you like to backpack (ultralight, comfort, etc.).

For many new backpackers tents like the  Big Agnes Copper Spur UL2 or the  Nemo Dagger OMSO offer the perfect blend of functionality, livability, weight, and durability. 

Sleeping pad

From foam mats to full inflatables there’s lots of variety on this front too (including price variety). For your first time out, opt for value (i.e. rent or borrow) once again and upgrade later. I used a basic foam mat for years, which I had terrible sleeps on. 

A few years ago l I switched to a Therm-a-Rest. It’s incredibly lightweight, comfortable, and packs down to the size of a Nalgene bottle. This is probably one of my favorite backpacking items! Try it out. You won’t regret it. Sleep well!

Sleeping bag

Depending on where you’re hiking this can be something to give a bit more consideration to. If you’re heading into the mountains, weather can be inclement so you’ll want to ensure you have a bag with a decent temperature rating (or plenty of layers to compensate for a chilly night). Sleeping bags generally offer a choice between down and synthetic. Down tends to be more expensive, but more durable, lighter, and compressible with the only downfall (aside from the ethics question) being its extremely poor performance when wet. Synthetic performs better when wet and tends to be more affordable.

I’m in love with my Patagonia sleeping bag!!  It’s unbelievably lightweight and packs down small. I found the 30°F / -1°C to be perfect for most outings – if it gets colder you can always layer up! Like all Patagonia products, it’s not cheap, but they stand behind their gear and the quality matches the price point. If you spend a lot of time in colder environments they also make a 20°F / -7°C version.  These bags are a worthwhile splurge!

Sunset on Vancouver Island's West Coast Trail

Backpacking pillow

For many hardcore backpackers a pillow consists of a dry bag stuffed with unworn clothing.  Personally, I won’t leave home without a backpacking pillow no matter how light I’m travelling.  Check out the Big Agnes Q-Core Deluxe Pillow It packs down ultra small and provides a new level of comfort after long days on the trail.

First aid kit

An essential item for treating everything from bug bites to blisters. The pre-built kits from Adventure Medical Kits have served me well on many adventurers. At the end of your trip write down any items you used and replace them so they’re ready for your next adventure. You can also build your own.

Swiss army knife

From cutting bandages to serving as the star of your backcountry kitchen, a swiss army knife  is a must-have item for any trip into the backcountry.   

A good camp stove. Always a key item in any backpacking packing list

Stove and canister

A single burner canister stove like  MSR pocket rocket is perfectly suited for all your cooking needs. Don’t forget to buy a canister too! 

Cookware and utensils

A pot (which also doubles as a bowl), a cup for coffee/tea and a spork are all you need. If you’re looking for a value option, remove the handle from an old kitchen pot and bring along a pair of pliers.

I love the GSI Halulite Microdualist II, two-person cookset. It’s lightweight and I can fit my MSR pocket rocket and a fuel canister inside. Check out the MSR PocketRocket Stove Kit for an all-inclusive solution.

Water filtration system

For purifying water, I’m a huge fan of the Steripen. It’s a small, lightweight and efficient way to ensure water is safe for consumption using UV light to purify a litre in about a minute. It’s also a fantastic item to bring along travelling, so even if you decide backpacking isn’t for you, you’ll still be over the moon about your SteriPen. Other options include gravity filters and purification tablets. For the first time out, purification tablets are the least expensive option, assuming you can get past the somewhat chemical taste of your water. 

Make sure to bring tablets as a backup though should you run into any technical problems/dead battery with your Steripen.

A dry bag is an essential item to pack on a backpacking trip

Dry bag

Dry bags like our No Sugar | Dry Bag Kit are great for stuffing and compressing clothes or your sleeping bag to ensure they don’t get wet even if you get stuck in torrential rain.

For a budget and ultralight option, line your pack with a contractors size garbage bag.

Bear canister & bear spray (Region Dependent)

If you’re hiking in grizzly bear country, you’ll want to add bear spray to your packing list and make sure that you know how to use it. Additionally, certain national parks like Yoesmite and Grand Teton may require that you’re equipped with an approved bear canister as well.

Additional items to pack for backpacking:

    • Waterproof Matches
    • Firestarters – For emergency situations
    • Whistle (blast 3 times for emergencies)
    • CampSuds / Biodegradable Soap – For dishes etc.  or just use some water and a rock to clean. 
    • Water Bottle – Nalgene 1L
    • Additional Water Bottle or Water Storage (depending on what your research has told you about water availability)
    • Headlamp – The Spot 350 is the way to go with 6 modes including the night vision saving red light! Red light mode takes a minute to get used to, but once you do it’s a total game changer trust me! The stars never looked so good! 
    • Small USB Phone Charger (and cable)
    • Bug Spray
    • Sunscreen
    • Sunglasses
    • Toothpaste
    • Toothbrush
    • Toiletries / Hand Sanitizer
    • Lip Balm 
    • Trowel
    • Toilet Paper
    • Compass
    • Topographic Map
    • GPS App  ( I like GAIA app)
    • Deck of cards

What clothes should you pack for a backpacking trip?

Here is a standard list of items for your overnight hike. Adapt, add, or remove accordingly depending on the weather/climate of your destination and the number of days you plan to go for. 

Hiking boots/hiking shoes/trail runners

Whether you choose to hike with a boot, hiking shoe or lighter trail runner is largely personal preference. Trail runners provide the agility and weight advantage, but boots often get the edge for support/sturdiness, especially if your pack is on the heavy side.

 I’ve had great luck with the La Sportiva Bushido II. When I’m carrying more gear/weight or if there’s a chance of snow, I’ll wear a larger more traditional hiking boot, like the Scarpa Kailash.

Camp shoes/sandals

Crocs are back! Well for backpacking camp shoes they never left… They’re lightweight and ugly as ever. Many backpackers find them to be the perfect camp shoe for resting sore feat after a long day in boots/shoes.

Personally, I still hate them. I have an old pair of Tom’s which I occasionally bring. They are light and less bulky than Crocs. If going with a trail runner, I’ll often ditch the camp shoe altogether and just loosen my laces. Your call!  

Puff jacket

I’ve had the Patagonia Men’s Nano Puff® Hoody for years. It’s perfect multi-functional item for everyday, backpacking, and pretty much anything where you might need a bit of warmth. I’m still looking for an activity it doesn’t work for. They also make the Nano Puff in a women’s version.

Rainproof / windproof jacket

An essential piece for wind, rain, snow. I’ve had great luck with an older version of the MEC Flash Cloud. Also check out the Patagonia Torrentshell  (or Womens version).

Rain pants

Mountain weather can change fast and rain pants are an absolute lifesaver to have in your backpacking kit. Many have the ability to quickly take them on and off without removing your shoes/boots allowing you to stay comfortable eveb if you get caught in a sudden downpour. Check out the Torrentshell in mens or womens.  

Hiking pants

I never thought I’d see the day I embraced the zip-off pant. But hey, they’re really the best of both worlds for rapidly changing mountain environments and keeping warm in the evening when the temperature drops. Check out the Quandary Pant for a great option.

Sun hoodie

When I went backpacking in the Grand Canyon a few years back, I was shocked to see throngs of Arizona Trail thru-hikers wearing hoodies in the 40 C (100F) heat. Turns out they were onto something! A sun hoodie has been one of the best items I’ve added to my backpacking kit. They keep you burn free, are surprisingly cool, and let you get away with leaving the bottle of sunscreen at home. The Sahara Sun Hoodie (men’s/women’s) from REI has served me well or check out these ones from Outdoor Research (men’s / women’s).

A couple of base layer shirts

Avoid cotton shirts unless it’s a super leisurely hike. Merino wool is great as it stays warm when wet and won’t stink. Sweat wicking althletic shirts also work great. I have a few pairs of these Capilene Cool shirts that are great! 

Base layer bottom

merino bottom baselayer are perfect for warming up at night or during chilly mornings.

A couple pairs of merino wool socks

Socks are a critical part of your backpacking wardrobe. A great pair of merino wool socks are an essential investment. They stay warm when wet, don’t stink, and will last for years. Darn Tough Vermont makes the best hiking socks hands down. They’re guaranteed for life/replaced free of charge and they don’t stink. Really! I typically bring 3 pair. 1 pair for hiking, 1 pair to change into at camp, and a reserve to throw into the rotation as needed. 


Patagonia makes fantastic underwear with quality, durability, and comfort far exceeding lululemon, and saxx (I’ve tried both). You decide how many or how few you bring….   They also make womens’ underwear, but I am unable to advise on fit, form, function or durability on this front… 

Additional essential clothing items

    • 1 pair of shorts/extra change of pants
    • Hat (Toque and sun hat)
    • Gloves

Should you bring hiking poles backpacking?

I once had an ego and thought I didn’t need poles. Then I completed the Howe Sound Crest Trail and my knees screamed at me for the next week. My overweight pack and lack of poles were to blame. Poles are great for reducing the strain of long grueling descents and providing extra stability on exposed sections.  Do yourself a favor and get a pair of poles! For a reliable entry level option try these Black Diamond Poles or consider upgrading to the carbon fiber to save extra weight.

Meal planning for backcountry camping

Meal planning is one of the most critical steps of any backcountry adventure. Do it right and you’ll be eating like a king without the burden of carrying excess weight. Do it poorly, and you’ll either be hungry or severely overbunded by the weight of excess food. This is where the critical step of meal planning comes into play.

Start by counting out the number of meals and snacks you’ll be hiking or in the backcountry for and then allocate food to each. For simplicity, freeze dried meals (just add boiling water) like Backpackers Pantry are always an option, but at $10+ a meal, they’re definitely not for the price conscious. Alternatively, look for “just add water” items at your grocery store like ramen, instant soups, rices, etc. Additionally, numerous incredible recipes can be found for amazing DIY backpacking meals. Check out this list from Fresh Off the Grid for some inspiration! 

No matter what you’re cooking, try to minimize the packaging you bring along. Don’t bring items in cans or glass jars and consolidate larger boxed items into more packable ziplock bags. Small steps like these save large amounts of weight and volume in your pack. It’s never a bad idea to pack more food than you think you need especially on your first couple of trips. I’d happily add an extra pound to my pack for the extra peace of mind to know that should the trip take longer or if I’m hungrier than anticipated, I came prepared. 

To help you get started, here’s a summary of the meal prep I might use for a 3 night backpacking trip. I know, I recommended only heading out for 1 night for your first trip, but I figured I’d show a plan for an extra day to give you a few more menu options! Note this a plant-based meal prep, but much can be played with to accommodate different dietary preferences.

Cooking a great dinner after a long day of backpacking.

2 night backpacking trip meal plan

Backpacking breakfast (day 1)

Take the time to eat at home, on the road, or at the trailhead prior to staring. Make it a big one. It will be your last home cooked meal for a few days!

Backpacking snacks (day 1)

Inevitably, you’ll break up a big day on the trail with a couple short stops to take in your surroundings or an incredible viewpoint. This is also a great opportunity to graze by grabbing for your favourite bar (Cliff, Lara, Kind, etc.), fruit leather, nuts, or trail mix. Typically, I’ll go for 1 bar in the mid morning and 1 bar and an apple in the afternoon to help keep the energy up!  

Backpacking lunch (day 1)

Sandwich or wrap made prior to departure. 

Backpacking dinner (day 1)

Chickpea Plant Based Mac and Cheese.

Up the protein game with chickpea pasta like this mac and cheese from Banza. Use powdered coconut or cashew milk to avoid carrying liquids on the trail. Add plant based bacon bits or real bacon bits depending on your dietary preference. Finish up with your favourite chocolate bar or candy.

Backpacking breakfast (day 2)

Quick Oats with Dried Fruit. 

Stoked Oats are my personal favorite. Don’t forget the coffee! Starbucks Via instant takes up no space and doesn’t taste like instant coffee. For coffee snobs who don’t mind carrying a bit of extra weight, consider purchasing an Aeropress for gourmet coffee in the backcountry.

Backpacking snacks (day 2)

We had a good thing going on Day 1. So, let’s stick with it! Pack a couple servings of bars, nuts, trail mix or fruit leather.

Backpacking lunch (day 2)

Tortillas with Refried Beans. 

Backpacking dinner (day 2)

Lentil Rice & “Tuna”

I‘m a huge fan of finding things in the grocery store isle that are packed with protein, but basically just add water.. The right rice “Tuna” is the way to go. It combines lentil “rice” with a plant based tuna for monster satisfaction. 

    • Boil water
    • Add Right Rice and stir. Wait a few minutes.
    • Add plant based Tuna or regular fish in a package (no cans!). Stir to combine.

Eat and enjoy! 

Finish off your feast with your favourite chocolate bar or candy. 

Backpacking breakfast (day 3)

Repeat breakfast with Day 2’s breakfast! Embrace the oats! 

Backpacking snacks (day 3)

Final set of snacks from Day 1. For a third time a couple servings of bars, nuts, trail mix, or fruit leather.

Backpacking lunch (day 3)

We’re keeping it simple once again. Either do tortillas again with refried beans, or a bagel with some form of nut butter. 

Backpacking dinner (day 3)

Hopefully you’re off the trail by this point. Treat yourself to a hard earned beer and dinner out! 

How much should your backpack weigh for a backpacking trip?

As a baseline, your pack should not exceed 20% of your body weight. Following this rule will ensure you remain nimble enough on the trail and avoid overburdening yourself. Unfortunately, for any petite readers, this rule becomes much more challenging, requiring you to choose between going ultra lightweight or breaking this rule. 

Leave on footprints

How do you take a poo while hiking 💩?

Human waste is a major source of pathogens (disease causing agents), so it’s absolutely essential to take the proper steps to maximize decomposition and environmental harm. If you’re new to pooping in the woods, here are the steps to follow: 

    1. Find a spot with dark, rich soil at least 100 meters from any water sources or potential water sources.
    2. Use the trowel (from the packing list) to dig a cathole at least 6 inches deep. If possible, try to unearth the soil like a plug which allows for easy replacement when you’re done.
    3. Do the deed. 
    4. If using toilet paper, you have to bag this out. Do not put it in the cathole as it takes substantially longer to decompose and break down. If you’ve ever wandered across some used TP on the trail you know how disgusting this is. So don’t do it to someone else! Use a plastic bag or ziplock. You can even wrap the outside in duct tape so you don’t have to see it. Alternatively, you can also try natural wipes. Smooth stones, sticks, snow, or moss (where it’s abundant) all work great. Avoid plant leaves (think poison ivy…).   
    5. Once you’ve finished, put in a bit of fresh soil and replace the plug. 
    6. Give your hands a good wash or hand sanitization away from a water source once again. 

Waste and leaving no trace

Leave only footprints, take only memories. We’ve all heard the expression before, but this applies even more intensely to your journey into the delicate backcountry environment. It is absolutely essential to carry everything you brought in out, properly dispose of waste, and follow leave no trace guidelines. 

Everything you pack in must come out with you. That means everything. Be careful when opening bars/packaging that you do not leave wrappers or small pieces behind. If you see other people’s garbage on the trail, be a hero, and throw it in your garbage bag.  

From day hikes to backpacking trips everytime you set out, ensure you’re following and familiar with the Leave No Trace 7 Principles:

    1. Plan Ahead and Prepare
    2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
    3. Dispose of Waste Properly
    4. Leave What You Find
    5. Minimize Campfire Impacts
    6. Respect Wildlife
    7. Be Considerate of Other Visitors

Leave No Trace Seven Principles © 1999 by the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics: www.LNT.org.

Brown Bear walks out of the forest.

How to stay safe backpacking in bear country

Bear attacks are extremely rare and the vast majority of aggressive bear action is driven by protection of food, space or territory. For your own safety and the safety of the bears it is important to take precautions when hiking in bear country. Here’s a few steps to take to ensure your safety:

Travel in a group

By travelling in a group you’ll make more noise and emit more human smells. Bears, which are generally human averse, are thus more likely to remove themselves from your presence long before you have any idea they were there.

Make noise

Clapping, loud talking, your worst singing, and shouting will encourage a bear to vacate the area before you and your group arrive. Make additional noise when a fellow hiker, ranger, or advisory has made you aware of a bear in the area to ensure you give it ample notice of your presence. 

Store food properly

When it comes to storing your food, you can hang your food, use a designated campsite bear locker (likes the ones on the Rockwall Trail) or use a bear canister/Ursack. Making your own bear hang is quite an art that even many experienced backpackers fail to master. Unless you’re ready and able to commit to mastering it by following this comprehensive bear hanging tutorial, get a bear canister.   For several people go with the BV500 for solo adventures the BV450 works great.  This is unquestionably your best and safest bet when hard infrastructure bear lockers or pulley systems are not available and required in many US National Parks.  To save weight Ursacks are also a great option, but they need to be tied to a tree and don’t prevent your food from being crushed and smashed by a hungry bear.

Mind your surroundings and the time of day

Walking near a river? It may be more challenging for bears to hear you, so make extra noise to alert them of your presence in advance. 

Travelling upwind/against the wind? Bears have a highly acute sense of smell, but against the wind you may reach them before the smell of you does, so be extra loud. It’s also important to make extra noise when travelling through berry patches or undulating terrain where you might sneak up on a bear buffet. Lastly, be extra aware during the early morning and evening as these are times that bears tend to be the most active.  

Look for the signs

Keep your eyes open for tracks and fresh scat (poop). If you notice these signs, make lots of noise. Additionally, if you happen to come across any decomposing carcasses, make lots of noise and vacate the area as bears are often drawn to a free and easy meal. 

Bring bear spray and know how to use it

Bear spray has been proven to be an effective deterrent against aggressive bears so it’s a great item to bring along. Learn how to use it before you head out, pop the safety off and give it a test just make sure to be aware of the wind direction in advance. Remember to keep it handy in a holster (don’t put it inside your pack). Unfortunately, it only works in close contact with bears and not as repellent. So do not go rubbing it on yourself. If you’re flying to your adventure, you’ll have to buy bear spray when you arrive at your destination, as it’s a prohibited item on most airlines (checked luggage and carry-on). Additionally, this tends to be more commonly purchased item for hiking in Grizzly country, in black bear country it isn’t as common. In fact, several US National Parks, like Sequoia, explicitly ban it. So, don’t bring it on the Rae Lakes Loop

Cook away from your camp and properly store your food

As mentioned earlier, bears have an extremely acute sense of smell. For this reason it’s absolutely essential to remove any items that smell from your camp area. Fragrant items like toothpaste, sunscreen, and soap should all be placed in your food storage bag and hung or placed in a bear canister. Set up a triangle. Your campsite/tent should be 100 meters away from the area you cook in and the spot you hang your food should be 100 meters away from the cooking area and the storage area. Preferably both food spots (kitchen & storage) will be upwind from your campsite as well. 

Know what to do if you encounter a bear on the trail

If you see a bear from a distance, respect its space and consider going back the way that you came. If you must get around the bear, take a very wide girth around. If you happen to encounter a bear in close proximity on the trail, remain calm, unholster your bear spray, remove the safety and stick with your group. Back away slowly in the direction that you came and talk calmly to the bear to help it identify you. DO NOT RUN! Running can trigger the bear’s prey instinct. 

In the unlikely event that the bear decides to charg, this is the time to use your bear spray. The vast majority of charges are bluff charges. In the worst case scenario where a bear actually attacks, do the following:

Grizzly Bear – Lay on the ground on your stomach as the bear makes contact (not sooner as this could trigger a mauling), playing dead and covering your neck and head for protection. In most attacks Grizzlies will bite or swipe a couple times before moving on. If the attack persists, fight back. 

Black Bear – Fight back. Attack the muzzle concentrating on the nose and eyes.

Final thoughts

By taking the proper steps to research, plan, and prepare, your first backcountry hiking trip is sure to be one of the best adventures of your year. After cutting your teeth on the experience, I’m sure that you’ll likely find yourself hooked. You’ll become more efficient at planning, you’ll dial into your gear setup, and constantly be on the hunt for your next backpacking adventure. The hardest part is taking the first trip, which hopefully you’re now just a little bit closer to doing! 

Happy adventuring! 

Did I miss any advice that would have been helpful? How did your first backpacking trip turn out? Let me know in the comments below!

View along the Rockwall Trail towards Floe Lake.

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